On Sunday, September 10, 2006 7:31 AM, Gregg Davidson wrote:
>I hope Disney grows some major cojones, ones the size of 16lb bowling balls, calls the Democrat/Liberal bluff, & runs the mini series anyway.

Well, I would imagine Disney/ABC wouldn't need huevos that large to spin a few lies about 9/11... I mean, after all, BushCo has manged to lie up one side and down the other and I'm quite certian they all have tiny tiny testies.
Bush Lied! Bush Lied!! Bush Lied!!! Can't you people come up with something better than that?

>Sounds to me like the Clinton Admistration's Legacy will stand up to what's in the mini series like a vampire does to sunlight.

According to the abc website, this story goes back to 1993 to start the tale of Osama and 9/11.. Seems if they want to blame some people they may as well start back when Reagan was underwriting the conflict in Afganastan, or when Reagan traded arms with both Iran and Iraq, or when Bush Senior really pissed off Osama with Air Bases in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. After all of that, it does seem Clinton is a bastard for boinking a secretary rather than toying with the middle east like the two presidents before him.
I'm so sorry we pissed off "Uncle" Osama. We'd better not make him mad or he'll do some really mean like call the ACLU on us.

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