Eh thanks Zeke for pointing this out!
When i read about OBL the Terrorist than again on wich Payroll was he an who shoed him how to be a terrorist? Doesnt that looks a little like the Sorcers apprentice who gots out of control?
And than that talk of the cowardly Terrorists who hide amongst inocent civilians and now you have to blow them up alltogether!This is like the Police would blow up a Bank with all the people in it because they have to get the robbers!
What kind of sick philosophy is that? Ah i get it,its US American!
my 5cents
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Disney

If you read OBL's talks, doesn't he speak of deciding on his jihad against the US when he saw the buildings in Beruit being blown up by the US/Israel in 1982?   Sounds like Reagan's reign to me.    Though I think that actually, Reagan's foiling of US fuel economy and energy efficiency standards probably has as much or more to do with it.  Through our oil habit we've been supporting the massacre of civillians for years (all the way back to the 50's according to some).  The rest of the world knows this, but through our own censored/skewed media, we hide this from our own citizens, who are then suprised when someone strikes back at us.

On 9/11/06, Gregg Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't mean to get you too upset. But, hypocracy runs thick
>when it comes to this mini-series. I don't doubt that Clinton's
>administration could have done things differently but remember, the
>attack came on BushCo's watch and the seeds were planted over
>several years.
>On Sunday, September 10, 2006 6:28 PM, Gregg Davidson wrote:
> > Bush Lied! Bush Lied!! Bush Lied!!! Can't you people come up
>with something better than that?
>Its interesting, they impeached Clinton for a lie. The country was
>outraged at such an atrocity as a lie to the nation. Would you
>suggest a lie about illicit sex is worse then a lie that has led to
>the deaths of the US's service men and women? >>Clinton was never impeached, he remained in office. He basically received a "slap on the wrist" and was disbarred for a short period of time. Our military personnel knew what they were getting into when they VOLUNTEERED for service. Nobody was drafted.<<

I believe some foreign civilians might have been killed too, just in
case anyone's interested. >>Yes, you're quite right, as a result of Clinton bombing an aspirin/ibuprofen/acetominaphine factory. I do not dispute that Iraqi civilians have been killed. Unfortunately, when cowardly terrorist hide among civilians it's impossible to keep that from happening.<<

ICH: 62,006 - 180,000, The number killed in the 'war on terror'

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Eg. And the rest!

All strangely invisible from within the borders of the US somehow.



>Or a lie about why 3000 people lost their lives in 9/11?
> >
> > I'm so sorry we pissed off "Uncle" Osama. We'd better not make
>him mad or he'll do some really mean like call the ACLU on us.
>Hey, I would love to see Osama captured. But blaming his actions on
>one presidency only serves those who would hide from the truth. And
>my suggestion that Clinton was no more at fault then the two
>presidents previous to him (not even including Eisenhower's
>successful attempt at destabilizing Iran) still stands. Thus, to
>propagate a story that places blame for 9/11 at the feet of the
>Clinton administration is not only unfair but down right unpatriotic
>and un-American. Its deplorable to those who suffered loss to lie
>about why and how it happened.>>Clinton did more to embolden OBL than any President we've had. Cutting & Running is Game Plan #1 in the Democrat/Liberal Playbook.<<


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