
  Good question.  They're not allowed to leave Texas airspace.  So far, its 
more dangerous to eat spinach than it is to be flying with terrorists.  So only 
one air marshal should be good.


On Friday, September 22, 2006  3:12 AM, "AltEnergyNetwork" wrote:
>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:12:21 +0000
>From: "AltEnergyNetwork"
>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: [Biofuel] was... was..Bring loaded firearms aboard
>Sounds cool, but big problem though.  Where are you going to be able to fly 
>these wackos with out causing
>"collateral damage" when one of them accidentally kills the pilot and the 
>plane flys into a building a la WTC,
>For a general rule though, I think maybe two armed air marshals would be a 
>good idea on all flights. I would feel safer flying, anyway. The world has 
>changed and we have to to cope with the stark realities of dangerous times.
>>  On 9/20/06, DHAJOGLO < [LINK: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Tallex,
>>  Don't be too harsh...  If they want an old west ariline where they can
>>  have shoot outs then they should be able to have it.  Just because one nut
>>  case came up with it doesn't mean other nut cases wouldn't love to fly such
>>  an airline.  They need a place to shoot each other while smoking and
>>  drinking, and at least they're secured in a metal tube away from the place
>>  I like to go to smoke and drink!  hahaha.
>>  -dave
>>  On Wednesday, September 20, 2006  2:51 AM, "AltEnergyNetwork" wrote:
>>  >
>>  >Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:51:44 +0000
>>  >From: "AltEnergyNetwork"
>>  >To: [LINK: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>  >Subject: [Biofuel] was..Bring loaded firearms aboard
>>  >
>>  >Yes, I can imagine 2 passengers having a few drinks, then getting in to
>>  an arguement about something. One of them politely asks a flight attendant
>>  for a few rounds to take out the other one...what fun. I think I'll pass on
>>  those flights as well. Was this nut case, a conservative blogger by any
>>  chance?
>>  >
>>  >regards
>>  >tallex
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