Hey man calm down.  What do you mean by 'risk all' or  'ultimate necessary act'.  You're setting off alarm bells down at the NSA.  Ever been to Cuba?  I hear it's nice this time of year.....if you like hurricanes and beatings.  How about we all just go down and march around with words painted on our naked bodies?  That's got to get news coverage!


M&K DuPree wrote:
But does it piss you...or any of us...off enough to do something that really matters???  I'm not judging, just truly asking, because I'm just as guilty, if there is guilt to be placed, as the next guy.  We talk, we rant, we rave...and the crap keeps piling up.  Who will do what is truly necessary and risk all to stop the absurdity????  Write words, make movies, dance all around the edges of the ultimate, necessary act, while the crap keeps piling up.  How much crap will be enough?  What crap is enough?  What crap do we attack first?  There's so much of it in every direction.  Pissed off?  HELL YESS I'M PISSED OFF.  So what?  So what's new?  We've become like the Bob's of the world, lost all our sense of awe.  Heads swollen with information that matters only in how it tears us down instead of putting us back together.  Isolated little molecules who have lost all touch with the grandeur that connects us all.  We hide...fearful...alone.  And what the heck does "DHAJOGLO" stand for???  My name is Mike DuPree.  I live in Lawrence, Kansas.  I'm going outside now. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Glow, River,

> If I recall, the US went to war with Iraq because they were hiding WMD's from the inspectors.  Iraq would not let the inspectors into the weapons facilities.  Based on that, shouldn't we go to war with the DOE, or, at the very least, Washington state?  They are clearly hiding a large dirty bomb that's been slowly exploding for several years.
> Pisses me off.
>>Glow, River, Glow: Radioactive Leaks and Plumbers at Hanford
>>Jeffrey St. Clair
>>The outback of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in eastern Washington
>>State is called the T-Farm, a rolling expanse of high desert sloping
>>toward the last untamed reaches of the Columbia River. The T stands
>>for tanks, huge single-hulled containers buried some fifty feet
>>beneath basalt volcanic rock and sand holding the lethal detritus of
>>Hanford's fifty-year run as the nation's H-bomb factory.
> ...
>>John Brodeur is one of the nation's top environmental engineers and a
>>world-class geologist. In 1997, after a whistleblower at Hanford
>>disclosed evidence that the groundwater beneath the central plateau
>>had been contaminated by plumes of radioactivity, Hazel O'Leary
>>commissioned Brodeur to investigate how far the contamination had
>>spread. It proved to be a nearly impossible assignment since the DOE
>>and its contractors had taken extreme measures to conceal the data or
>>avoid collecting it entirely.
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