Hi Kurt;

Pardon my snipping style but.....

Kurt Nolte wrote:

>On the other side we have his opponents, among them Joe Street, Terry 
>Dyck, Mike Dupree and D. Mindock, to name a few off the top of my head. 
>These people seem to be, to the best of my knowledge, claiming that 
>herbs (The topic at hand) are the /only/ things that are truly 
>efficacious as medicinal compounds, and that pharmaceuticals produced by 
>synthetic processes just don't hack it.

Actually I don't believe I ever said that!  I am opposing Bob to some 
degree but that doesn't mean I said what you are attributing to me, or I 
guess more correctly that you should be lumping me in with what you are 
saying about the others.  I am very scientifically inclined, I run a 
university lab for pete's sake as well but I am also a sceptic of the 
idea that science is the be all and end all or that it has all the 
answers.  I still have great respect for science and believe that one 
day it may encompass things that it currently can't explain.  All I am 
suggesting to Bob is that even though science cannot explain something 
at the present time, that does not mean it must necessarily be 
rejected.  I think this is the only point on which Bob and I are in 
dissagreement.  I also wouldn't say it is fair to be calling Bob closed 
minded.  Stubborn yes but narrow or closed minded, no.


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