S.D. Sen. Johnson in Critical Condition
  By MARY CLARE JALONICK, Associated Press Writer 
  Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota was in critical but stable 
condition Thursday after emergency brain surgery, creating political drama over 
whether Democrats will control the new Senate next month if he is unable to 
continue in office.
  Johnson suffered from bleeding in the brain caused by a congenital 
malformation, the U.S. Capitol physician said. He described the surgery as 
successful. The condition, present at birth or immediately after, causes 
tangled blood vessels that can block the flow of blood or rupture.
  "The senator is recovering without complication," said the physician, Adm. 
John Eisold. "It is premature to determine whether further surgery will be 
required or to assess any long-term prognosis."
  Eisold said doctors drained the blood that had accumulated in Johnson's brain 
and stopped continued bleeding.
  Democrats hold a fragile 51-49 margin in the new Senate that convenes Jan. 4. 
If Johnson leaves the Senate, the Republican governor of South Dakota could 
appoint a Republican to fill the remaining two years of Johnson's term — 
keeping the Senate in GOP hands with Vice President Dick Cheney's tie-breaking 
  Johnson's condition, also known as AVM, or arteriovenous malformation, causes 
arteries and veins to grow abnormally large and become tangled.
  The condition is believed to affect about 300,000 Americans, according to the 
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The institute's Web 
site said only about 12 percent of the people with the condition experience 
symptoms, ranging in severity. It kills about 3,000 people a year.
  The senator's wife, Barbara Johnson, said the family "is encouraged and 
  In a statement from Johnson's office Thursday, she said her family was 
"grateful for the prayers and good wishes of friends, supporters and South 
  A person familiar with Johnson's condition said the 59-year-old senator's 
underlying condition caused the stroke-like symptoms and doctors will be 
watching him closely for the next 24 to 48 hours. The person spoke on condition 
of anonymity out of respect for the senator's family.
  Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada visited Thursday morning. He 
had visited the night before as well.
  The emergency surgery lasted past midnight Wednesday
  Apart from the risk to his health, Johnson's illness carried political 
ramifications, coming so soon after the Democrats won control of the Senate. If 
he were forced to relinquish his seat, a replacement would be named by South 
Dakota's GOP Gov. Mike Rounds.
  A Republican appointee would create a 50-50 tie, and allow the GOP to retain 
Senate control.
  Rounds' press secretary, Mark Johnston, said Thursday the governor was 
watching events and had nothing new to say.
  "We're watching as much as everyone else," he said. "The most important thing 
is making sure Sen. Johnson is OK."
  President Bush awoke Thursday to news of Johnson's condition, said first lady 
Laura Bush. "We're praying like I know all the people of South Dakota are for 
his very, very speedy recovery," Mrs. Bush told CBS's "Early Show."
  Johnson, who turns 60 later this month, was admitted to George Washington 
University hospital at midday after experiencing what his office initially said 
was a possible stroke. 
  His spokeswoman, Julianne Fisher, later told reporters that it had been 
determined that the senator had suffered neither a stroke nor a heart attack. 
  Johnson became disoriented during a conference call with reporters, 
stuttering in response to a question. 
  Before he ended the call, Johnson appeared to recover and asked whether there 
were any additional questions. 
  Fisher said he then walked back to his Capitol office but appeared to not be 
feeling well. The Capitol physician came to his office and examined him, and it 
was decided he should go to the hospital. 
  He was taken to the hospital by ambulance around noon, Fisher said. "It was 
caught very early," she said. 
  Johnson is up for re-election in 2008. 
  In 1969, another South Dakota senator, Karl Mundt, a Republican, suffered a 
stroke while in office. Mundt continued to serve until the end of his term in 
January 1973, although he was unable to attend Senate sessions and was stripped 
of his committee assignments by the Senate Republican Conference in 1972. 
  Johnson, who was elected in 1996, holds the same seat previously held by 
  South Dakota Secretary of State Chris Nelson said there were no special 
restrictions on an appointment by the governor and a replacement would not have 
to be from the same political party. 
  The Senate last convened with a perfect balance of 50 Republicans and 50 
Democrats in January 2001. Then, the two parties struck a power-sharing 
agreement that gave control of the Senate to Republicans but gave Democrats 
equal representation on committees. 
  That arrangement lasted only until June 2001, when Vermont Republican James 
Jeffords became an independent who chose to vote with Democrats on 
organizational matters, giving Democrats control until Republicans won back the 
Senate in the 2002 midterm electons. 
  Johnson, a centrist Democrat, was first elected to the Senate in 1996 after 
serving 10 years in the House. He narrowly defeated Republican John Thune in 
his 2002 re-election bid. Thune defeated Sen. Tom Daschle, the former Senate 
Democratic leader, two years later. 
  Johnson underwent prostate cancer treatment in 2004, and subsequent tests 
have shown him to be clear of the disease. 
  Johnson is the second senator to become ill after the Nov. 7 election. 
Wyoming Sen. Craig Thomas (news, bio, voting record), a Republican, was 
diagnosed with leukemia on Election Day. He is back at work. 
  Associated Press writers Laurie Kellman and Natasha Metzler in Washington and 
Dirk Lammers in Sioux Falls contributed to this report.
  To learn more visit: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061214/ap_on_go_co/johnson 
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