In Florida, there is an extension service provided by the University of
Florida which provides all kinds of information on farming and agriculture
to the general public.  Does the local university have a program like that
in your area?  If so, they can probably provide plenty of scientific
evidence in your favor, especially if you can find a professor who is
willing to help you.  Can the health dept. really prove it's human anyhow?

On 12/22/06, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can anyone help Tom?

He's not a list member, but I'll refer him to any discussions here.


All best


>From: "tom habasco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: humanure to humus
>Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006
>Hello my name is Tom Habasco and I will be going into circuit court
>in order to defend my right to compost. I am the 5th generation of
>organic farming family.We have known of the benefits of this for
>many decades.
>  Unfortunately the local health people tell me it is illegal for me
>to compost humanure, as it is explained by Joseph Jenkins in his
>book.Now they have a signed order which makes my home and lifestyle
>illegal . They say that there is no scientific proof that composting
>humanure works or that it is safe. I personally have been growing
>fruits and veggie's for the plate to eat for many years. In my
>defense I must say I have never become ill from my gardens. I have
>no illness whatsoever and take no medication for anything.
>  How do we convince these youngsters at the so called "health
>dept's" that composting is safe and a much better approach to our
>handling of the environment than there septic approach?
>  I need proof and support that you may have to fight for my right
>to own property live on that property, farm my small gardens "
>under half acre of gardens" and compost including humanure.If I fail
>at this I will be ordered off my property and my home will be moved
>away by them at my cost.
> This is not an option , that is why it is of the utmost importance
>that I seek help from like minded people like you to help[ support
>me and my decision to make a lifestyle change and help the earth by
>becoming less dependant on fossil fuels like oil.
> Thank you for your time, if you can please respond before Jan 3 2007,

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