In 1948 Henry C. Simons published a book called "Economic Policy for a
Free Society." Simons was a conservative who made the point that if one
wanted small government it was necesary to intervene in the market with
anti-trust legislation to keep individual businesses small enough so that
no one firm could influence the market. If one left the market to itself
business would grow to the point where there was a need and a demand for a
countervailing power of big government.

The right-wing radicals of our time who call themselves conservatives have
ignored this.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada


> With many of these issues, what all the externalisations end up
> amounting to is that, free choice or not, nobody is excluded in the
> end from the manufactured non-decisions of the masses, as Robert has
> just been lamenting: "We simply can't get away from the problem
> anymore."
> So please don't leave such things for the magic of the marketplace to
> provide solutions, because any such magic has long ago been hijacked.
> We have to see these things coming in time to stop them if necessary,
> or at least to enforce due precaution.
> Best
> Keith


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