>Anyone know anything about Tyson using chicken fat to supply stock 
>for biodiesel?  If so, comments?  Thanks.  Mike DuPree


Overlooked Animal Fat Becomes Key Biodiesel Ingredient

4:15 PM, January 2, 2007

DEXTER, Mo. (AP)--Jerry Bagby is typical of the oil men who are prospecting
for a fortune in the Midwestern biofuels boom. He's convinced there's oil in
these hills -- and he's found a well that no one else is using.

   Bagby and a longtime friend have cobbled together $5 million to build a new
biodiesel plant on the lonely croplands outside this southeast Missouri town.
They're betting they can hit paydirt by exploiting a generally overlooked
natural resource that's abundant in these parts -- chicken fat.

   There's a virtual gusher of the stuff at a nearby Tyson Foods Inc. (TSN)
poultry plant. Currently, the low-quality fat is shipped out of state to be
rendered and used as a cheap ingredient in pet food, soap and other products.

   Bagby and his partner Harold Williams plan to refine the gooey substance, mix
it with soybean oil and produce about 3 million gallons of biodiesel annually.

   Today, only a tiny fraction of U.S. biodiesel is made from chicken fat, but
that seems likely to change. The rising cost of soybean oil -- which accounts
for roughly 90% of all biodiesel fuel stock -- is pushing the industry to
exploit cheap and plentiful animal fats.

   The nation's biggest meat corporations haven taken notice. Tyson Foods
announced in November it has established a renewable energy division that will
be up and running during 2007. Competitors Perdue Farms Inc. and Smithfield
Foods Inc. (SFD) are making similar moves.

   As meatpackers enter the field, they bring massive amounts of fuel stock that
could make biodiesel cheaper and more plentiful.

   The shift to animal fat as a fuel stock could be key to making the budding
biodiesel industry a reliable fuel source for U.S. trucking fleets, said Vernon
Eidman, a professor of economics at the University of Minnesota who has
extensively studied the biofuels industry.

   Eidman estimates that within five years, the U.S. will produce 1 billion
gallons of biodiesel, and half of it will be made from animal fat. By that time
soybean-based biodiesel will account for about 20% of the total, he said.

   For fuel refiners like Bagby, the allure of animal fat is clear. Soybean oil
costs 33 cents a pound while chicken fat costs 19 cents. He only plans to
include soybean oil in his blend because it adds necessary lubrication for
engine parts.

   "Soybean oil is more expensive than other products, so we just use enough of
it to make the system run clean," Bagby said, gesturing toward a row of pipes
and vats being installed in his new refinery.

   For companies like Tyson, the attraction is simple. Being the nation's
biggest meat company, Tyson is also the biggest producer of leftover fat from
chicken, cattle and hogs.

   Tyson is keeping the specifics of its renewable fuels division under tight
wraps. But Tyson Vice President Jeff Webster told a recent investment
conference the potential is clear. Tyson produces about 2.3 billion pounds of
chicken fat annually from its poultry plants. That's about 300 million gallons
that could be converted to fuel.

   The market for biodiesel and ethanol really started to boom in August 2005,
after passage of the federal Energy Policy Act, experts say. The bill set a new
standard requiring the U.S. to use 7 billion gallons of renewable fuels by

   While it's always been cheaper, animal fat was initially overlooked as a
biodiesel fuel stock because of its uneven quality, Eidman said.

   When the energy bill passed, soybean oil was already widely sold as a food
additive. Biodiesel refiners could depend on its quality because the oil was
marketed and certified under a strict guidelines, Eidman said.

   Animal fat also has its technical drawbacks. It clouds up at higher
temperatures than soy-based biodiesel, which means it might thicken up when
used in colder, northern cities, Eidman said. That might limit distribution to
southern areas where temperatures don't often drop below 40 degrees or so.

   While these factors kept animal fat in the background, the biodiesel industry
has hit a turning point.

   Increasing demand for soybean oil as a fuel and as a food is making the price
creep up. It now makes economic sense to invest in new technology to process
animal fat into usable form as a fuel stock.

   Tyson and Perdue are already experimenting with biodiesel. Both companies
have started using biodiesel in their trucking fleets.

   Salisbury, Md.-based Perdue is also selling soybean oil as a biodiesel fuel
stock through the company's grain and oilseed division. The company also said
this summer it's studying plans to build its own biofuels plants or invest in

   Smithfield Foods has established its own biofuels division. The Smithfield
BioEnergy group is studying how to turn hog waste into fuel and has also
started producing biodiesel from vegetable oil. The company didn't comment on
the division, but recent financial filings say the biodiesel program is still
losing money because of startup costs.

   Having a massive new source of fuel stock is a welcome development for the
biodiesel industry, said Amber Thurlo Pearson, a spokeswoman for the National
Biodiesel Board.

   "More biodiesel in the marketplace could help make biodiesel's cost even more
competitive with diesel fuel," Pearson said.

   The board estimates that U.S. biodiesel production is tripling annually,
going from 25 million gallons in 2004 to 75 million gallons last year. The
final tally for 2006 should be between 150 and 225 million.

   Biodiesel costs about $1 a gallon more to produce than conventional diesel,
but federal tax breaks for fuel distributors help hide that cost from

   Bagby said his plant will be up and running by the end of January. His
equipment can refine soybean oil, cotton seed oil and animal fat. That gives
him flexibility to use whatever's cheapest on the commodity markets. His first
batches will be made from soybean oil because it's easiest to get the equipment

   After that? Soybean oil has a long way to drop before it's as affordable as
chicken fat.

   "You can see the difference in cost," he said.

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