>From your link Keith,

". . . sending additional troops to Iraq—a position endorsed by 12
percent of the public, according to the most recent polling (USA
Today/Gallup, 1/5-7/07). (In another question, Gallup did find 36
percent support for Bush's plan to increase troops—but only when the
increase was described as "temporary,. . ."

Apart from our media, an industry based on words, not caring for the
meaning of their medium (I'm sure they would declare we are having a
"surge" of warm weather) -- does the president's decision to mobilize
strike you as a democratic one?  I've seen the above numbers say the
same about public opinion in one form or another and the will of the
people is clearly being ignored.  The oil plutocracy is making our tax
payers' decisions for them.  We are being taxed without
representation.  Sound familiar?


On 1/12/07, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thankyou Frank. It needs vigilance eh? Just mindless or slimy with
> it, d'you think? Not that it makes much difference I suppose. So much
> for the 4th estate, or at least the owned portion of it. FAIR is also
> covering this:
> http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3029
> Debating the Iraq "Surge" on PBS
> They don't seem to think it's just an unintentional oversight.
> Best
> Keith

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