Scary stuff - & some are saying we're wrong about global warming! (shakes
head in despair!)




Part of atlantic current halted for ten days - alarms scientists

. No new ice age yet, but Gulf Stream is weakening
. Atlantic current came to halt for 10 days in 2004           

                        James Randerson, science correspondent
Friday    October   27, 2006  <> The Guardian 
 Scientists have uncovered more evidence for a dramatic weakening in the
vast ocean current that gives Britain its relatively balmy climate by
dragging warm water northwards from the tropics. The slowdown, which climate
modellers have predicted will follow global warming, has been confirmed by
the most detailed study yet of ocean flow in the Atlantic.

Most alarmingly, the data reveal that a part of the current, which is
usually 60 times more powerful than the Amazon river, came to a temporary
halt during November 2004.


Warm water brought to Europe's shores raises the temperature by 
as much as 10C in some places and without it the continent would 
be much colder and drier.

Researchers are not sure yet what to make of the 10-day hiatus. 
"We'd never seen anything like that before and we don't 
understand it. We didn't know it could happen," said Harry 
Bryden,  at the National Oceanography Centre, in Southampton, 
who presented the findings to a conference in Birmingham 
on rapid climate change.

Is it the first sign that the current is stuttering to a halt? "I 
want to know more before I say that," Professor Bryden said. 
Lloyd Keigwin, a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic 
Institution, in Massachusetts, in the US, described the temporary 
shutdown as "the most abrupt change in the whole [climate] record".

He added: "It only lasted 10 days. But suppose it lasted 30 or 60 
days, when do you ring up the prime minister and say let's start 
stockpiling fuel? How can we rule out a longer one next year?"

Prof Bryden's group stunned climate researchers last year with 
data suggesting that the flow rate of the Atlantic circulation 
had dropped by about 6m tonnes of water a second from 1957 
to 1998. If the current remained that weak, he predicted, it would 
lead to a 1C drop in the UK in the next decade. A complete 
shutdown would lead to a 4C-6C cooling over 20 years.

The study prompted the UK's Natural Environment Research 
Council to set up an array of 16 submerged stations spread 
across the Atlantic, from Florida to north Africa, to measure flow 
rate and other variables at different depths. Data from these 
stations confirmed the slowdown in 1998 was not a "freak 
observation"- although the current does seem to have picked up slightly



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