I'm sick and tired of all you heretics.

If dinosaurs were real, how come they ain't in the Bible?  Huh?

Yore goin' to Heck, all of you.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

> I agree that we should not only present a one sided view of things.  
> Point in case: millions of children are misled every year by 
> secularists on the "law of gravity".  What about Jesus rising into the 
> sky.  Walking on water?  Every schoolchild should be ecouraged to go 
> to the roof of the school building and experiment on his or her own to 
> see if they really believe in gravity, instead of giving them such a 
> one sided and scientific view.     
> Of course, soon the only people remaining will be the ones who did 
> believe in gravity.  Too bad that global warming can take all of us 
> with it, not just the skeptics.
> Alternatively, if you want to teach the bible as literal fact, I 
> believe that Tolkien's history of Middle Earth should also presented 
> as literal fact. 
> On 1/13/07, *David Kramer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/299253_inconvenient11.html
>     Federal Way schools restrict Gore film
>     by Robert McClure and Lisa Stiffler, seattlepi.com
>     <http://seattlepi.com>
>     This week in Federal Way schools, it got a lot more inconvenient
>     to show one
>     of the top-grossing documentaries in U.S. history, the
>     global-warming alert
>     "An Inconvenient Truth."
>     After a parent who supports the teaching of creationism and
>     opposes sex
>     education complained about the film, the Federal Way School Board
>     on Tuesday
>     placed what it labeled a moratorium on showing the film. The movie
>     consists
>     largely of a computer presentation by former Vice President Al Gore
>     recounting scientists' findings.
>     "Condoms don't belong in school, and neither does Al Gore. He's not a
>     schoolteacher," said Frosty Hardison, a parent of seven who also
>     said that
>     he believes the Earth is 14,000 years old. "The information that's
>     being
>     presented is a very cockeyed view of what the truth is. ... The
>     Bible says
>     that in the end times everything will burn up, but that
>     perspective isn't
>     in the DVD."
>     Hardison's e-mail to the School Board prompted board member David
>     Larson
>     to propose the moratorium Tuesday night.
>     "Somebody could say you're killing free speech, and my retort to
>     them would be
>     we're encouraging free speech," said Larson, a lawyer. "The beauty
>     of our
>     society is we allow debate."
>     School Board members adopted a three-point policy that says
>     teachers who want
>     to show the movie must ensure that a "credible, legitimate
>     opposing view will
>     be presented," that they must get the OK of the principal and the
>     superintendent, and that any teachers who have shown the film must
>     now present
>     an "opposing view."
>     The requirement to represent another side follows district policy
>     to represent
>     both sides of a controversial issue, board President Ed Barney said.
>     "What is purported in this movie is, 'This is what is happening.
>     Period. That
>     is fact,' " Barney said.
>     Students should hear the perspective of global-warming skeptics
>     and then make
>     up their minds, he said. After they do, "if they think driving
>     around in cars
>     is going to kill us all, that's fine, that's their choice."
>     Asked whether an alternative explanation for evolution should be
>     presented
>     by teachers, Barney said it would be appropriate to tell students that
>     other beliefs exist. "It's only a theory," he said.
>     While the question of climate change has provoked intense argument in
>     political circles in recent years, among scientists its basic
>     tenets have
>     become the subject of an increasingly stronger consensus.
>     "In the light of new evidence and taking into account the remaining
>     uncertainties, most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is
>     likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas
>     concentrations,"
>     states a 2001 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
>     which advises policymakers.
>     "Furthermore, it is very likely that the 20th-century warming has
>     contributed
>     significantly to the observed sea level rise, through thermal
>     expansion of
>     seawater and widespread loss of land ice."
>     The basics of that position are backed by the American
>     Meteorological Society,
>     the American Geophysical Union, the American Association for the
>     Advancement
>     of Science and the National Academy of Sciences.
>     Laurie David, a co-producer of the movie, said that this is the
>     first incident
>     of its kind relating to the film.
>     "I am shocked that a school district would come to this decision,"
>     David said
>     in a prepared statement. "There is no opposing view to science,
>     which is fact,
>     and the facts are clear that global warming is here, now."
>     The Federal Way incident started when Hardison learned that his
>     daughter would
>     see the movie in class. He objected.
>     Hardison and his wife, Gayla, said they would prefer that the
>     movie not be shown
>     at all in schools.
>     "From what I've seen (of the movie) and what my husband has
>     expressed to me,
>     if (the movie) is going to take the approach of 'bad America, bad
>     America,'
>     I don't think it should be shown at all," Gayle Hardison said. "If
>     you're
>     going to come in and just say America is creating the rotten ruin
>     of the
>     world, I don't think the video should be shown."
>     Scientists say that Americans, with about 5 percent of the world's
>     population, emit about 25 percent of the globe-warming gases.
>     Larson, the School Board member, said a pre-existing policy should
>     have
>     alerted teachers and principals that the movie must be
>     counterbalanced.
>     The policy, titled "Controversial Issues, Teaching of," says in
>     part, "It
>     is the teacher's responsibility to present controversial issues
>     that are
>     free from prejudice and encourage students to form, hold and
>     express their
>     own opinions without personal prejudice or discrimination."
>     "The principal reason for that is to make sure that the public
>     schools
>     are not used for indoctrination," Larson said.
>     Students contacted Wednesday said they favor allowing the movie to
>     be shown.
>     "I think that a movie like that is a really great way to open
>     people's eyes
>     up about what you can do and what you are doing to the planet and
>     how that's
>     going to affect the human race," said Kenna Patrick, a senior at
>     Jefferson High School.
>     When it comes to the idea of presenting global warming skeptics,
>     Patrick
>     wasn't sure how necessary that would be. She hadn't seen the movie
>     but had
>     read about it and would like to see it.
>     "Watching a movie doesn't mean that you have to believe everything
>     you see
>     in it," she said.
>     Joan Patrick, Kenna's mother, thought it would be a good idea for
>     students
>     to see the movie. They are the ones who will be dealing with the
>     effects of a warmer planet.
>     "It's their job," she said. "They're the next generation."
>     =====================================================================
>     Keith, do you have a program that does line wraps when you post web
>     articles? I had to do it manually.
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