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  Rare brain worms from eating pork latest border disease…
  Posted: January 13, 2007
  1:00 a.m. Eastern
  © 2007
  Medical professionals in South Texas have identified another disease that has 
apparently slipped across the border – caused by a rare brain worm that can be 
fatal and is being spread by unsanitary food-handling practices. 
  While not yet classified as a "major outbreak," several cases of 
cysticercosis have been identified in South Texas, a spokesman for San 
Antonio's Metro Health District told KENS-TV, San Antonio. 
  Magnetic resonance image showing multiple cysticerci within patient's brain 
According to the Center for Disease Control, cysticercosis is an infection 
caused by the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium. Infection occurs when the tapeworm 
larvae are ingested, pass through the intestinal wall and enter the body to 
form cysticerci, or cysts. The cysts migrate throughout the body, resulting in 
symptoms that vary depending on whether they lodge in the muscles, the eyes, 
the brain or spinal cord. 
  Symptoms for Renaldo Ramirez, 50, of Houston, began with mild headaches. 
  The tile worker, who immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador 20 years ago, 
told KENS-TV he had been eating most of his meals at mobile kitchens because of 
the convenience, but after his ordeal with brain worms, he insisted on 
preparing his own food. 
  "He's scared now. He's scared of any food from outside," his sister, who 
onterpreted for him, said. 
  "It was a mild headache, but it wouldn't go away," Ramirez said. "It was just 
there and it wouldn't go away with Tylenol." 
  Clinic doctors gave him blood pressure medicine, but a few days later, he 
passed out and did not awaken for eight days. 
  Dr. Aaron Mohanty, an assistant professor in the Department of Neurosurgery 
at the University of Texas Medical School, found and removed a cyst caused by a 
tapeworm larvae living in Ramirez's brain. Undiagnosed and untreated, he could 
have died within hours. 
  According to the CDC, infection from the tapeworm, which is found worldwide, 
occurs most often in rural, developing countries with poor hygiene where pigs 
are allowed to roam freely and eat human feces. This allows the tapeworm 
infection to be completed and the cycle to continue. 
  The risk for U.S. citizens has been considered rare due to strict food 
processing and handling regulations, especially for pork products, and 
generally high levels of hygiene. 
  The condition is very rare in Muslim countries where eating pork is 
  "The cycle starts with a human that's infected with the tapeworm," said Dr. 
Luis Ostrosky, of the UT Houston Medical Center.  Failure to wash hands after 
using the restroom can result in contaminating food and infecting further 
  "These eggs hatch in the intestine and go through the gut-wall and into the 
circulation where they get stuck somewhere," Ostrosky said. 
  Cysticercosis joins Morgellons disease, a mysterious infection seemingly 
similar to one documented 300 years ago, in the list of new illnesses spreading 
throughout South Texas. 
  While Morgellons disease has not been known to kill and it doesn't appear to 
be contagious, WND has reported its horrible symptoms are what worry doctors. 
  "These people will have like beads of sweat but it's black, black and tarry," 
Ginger Savely, a nurse practitioner in Austin who has treated a majority of 
Morgellons patients, told the San Antonio Express-News.  Patients infected with 
the disease get lesions that never heal. 
  Fibers removed from facial lesion of 3-year-old boy "Sometimes little black 
specks come out of the lesions and sometimes little fibers," said Stephanie 
Bailey, a Morgellons patient.  It's those different-colored fibers that pop out 
of the skin that may be the most bizarre symptom of the disease. 
  More than 100 cases have been reported in South Texas. 
  "It really has the makings of a horror movie in every way," Savely said. 
  The South Texas outbreak's proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border comes at a 
time when the issues of illegal immigration, border security and possible 
amnesty for over 12 million illegal aliens are being debated in the U.S. 
  Despite Morgellons disease's distinctive symptoms and patients' tales of 
suffering, most of the medical community don't see the disease as real, with 
some doctors telling patients it's all in their head. 
  Morgellons disease may remain a mystery, but cysticercosis does not.  Doctors 
say washing hands, cooking meats thoroughly, especially pork, and washing 
fruits and vegetables are the best ways to avoid the disease.

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