See also:
Scientists Urge Precaution for Electromagnetic Fields
   At a public hearing in Connecticut, three senior scientists testify
   that studies linking electromagnetic fields (EMF) to cancer in
   children warrant a precautionary approach.


From: Microwave News, Jan. 22, 2007 
m>[Printer-friendly version]

Cellphones and Cancer

An international team of researchers has found new evidence that 
long- term use of a mobile phone may lead to the development of a 
brain tumor on the side of the head the phone is used. In 
T>a study which will appear in an upcoming issue of the International 
Journal of Cancer, epidemiologists from five European countries 
report a nearly 40% increase in gliomas, a type of brain tumor, among 
those who had used a cell phone for ten or more years. The increase 
is statistically significant. In addition, there was a trend showing 
that the brain tumor risk increased with years of use. The new paper 
is posted on the journal's Web site.

This is the second type of tumor that has been linked to long-term 
cell phone use. In 2004, the Swedish Interphone group 
00003.htm>reported a doubling of acoustic neuromas among people who 
had used a mobile phone for ten years or more.

The new study, part of the 13-country 
<>Interphone project, is based 
on the data collected in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the 
U.K. Last year, the German Interphone team also reported an increase 
in gliomas following more than ten years of mobile phone use. (See 
our report: 
"<>Is There a 
Ten-Year Latency for Cell Phone Tumor Development?")

The new five-country study included 1,521 glioma cases and 3,301 
controls. There were 143 cases with ten or more years of mobile phone 
use. The earlier German study had only 12 cases who had used a cell 
phone for at least ten years.

Another research group, led by Lennart Hardell of Örebro University 
and Kjell Hansson Mild of the National Institute, both in Sweden, 
have also found an increased risk of brain tumors and acoustic 
neuromas following ten years of cell phone use. "The [new] study 
shows that the issue is not settled and that more data, preferably 
prospective data, are needed," Anders Ahlbom of the Kaolinska 
Institute in Stockholm told Microwave News.

Anssi Auvinen of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) in 
Helsinki, a member of the Finnish Interphone study team offered a 
similar conclusion. "We need more research on long-term use," he 
stated in a <>press 
release issued today.

In fact, on Saturday, 
<,,2-2556768.html>the London 
Times revealed that 
<>Lawrie Challis, the head 
of the U.K. research effort on mobile phones and health, known as 
<>MTHR, is in the final stages of 
negotiations for a study of 200,000 mobile phone users who will be 
monitored for cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. The story 
appeared on the front page of the January 20th Times. "We know from 
smoking and from the bomb falling in Hiroshima that nothing was seen 
for ten years," Challis told the 

Ahlbom said that the planned study, disclosed by Challis, will be a 
joint effort of an international consortium consisting, at present, 
of epidemiologists from Denmark, Finland and Sweden, as well as the 

The London Times ran a companion article under the headline: 
These Be the Cigarettes of the 21st Century?... 'Absolutely'." And in 
editorial, the Times applauded the decision to carry out the new 
long-term study: "The 
<>precautionary principle 
still applies here. Manufacturers should welcome the new study."

At this writing, the cell phone industry had yet to issue any 
responses to these new developments. But Sheila Johnston, a 
consultant based in London with close ties to the mobile phone 
industry, circulated an e-mail this morning calling Challis's 
announcement a "very sad outcome."

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