State of Denial: Do the sceptics of global warming have a hidden
agenda?; In denial; Who's still cool on global warming?

Byline: Peter Gorrie

Illustration: This photo taken in August 2006 shows the entrance to the
Arctic's Northwest Passage. Warming may open it year-round.

Bruised but unbowed, dismayed but undaunted -
Canada's climate-change skeptics seek glimmers of
light in what, for them, is a dark time.
The debate about greenhouse gas emissions appears
to be over. Prime Minister Stephen Harper now
admits they're a serious problem. All five major
federal parties are tripping over each other -
rhetorically, at least - to convince voters they're the
country's toughest climate champions. Even oil giant
Exxon Mobil Corp. insists it's on board.
Perhaps worse for the naysayers, a major UN report
to be publicly released in Paris on Friday shows
scientists around the world are more certain than ever
that human activity is causing global warming. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts
the warming rate between now and 2030 will be
twice that of the past century.
Still, the skeptics - who tend to be
Conservative-connected academics, consultants,
geologists and engineers - will no doubt continue to
spread their message: climate-change is part of a
natural cycle based largely on the sun's output; the
science is uncertain; gloom-and-doom predictions are
bunk; we need a full debate before spending billions
of dollars to tackle a non-existent problem.
Not surprisingly, greenhouse gas-global warming
deniers are geared up to slag the study. "The UN
report is not really backed by 2,000 scientists," insists
Tom Harris, executive-director of the Ottawa- based
Natural Resources Stewardship Project, a non-profit
group that opposes the Kyoto Protocol. "Many
among them think the report is flawed."
It's "so highly politicized, and the wording is
massaged by government interests ... The reports are
not neutral. (The Intergovernmental panel is) an
advocacy group."
The deniers proselytize through websites, articles in
newspapers such as the National Post, dozens of
speeches to small groups across the country, and
lobby campaigns.
This spring, they aim to attract media attention at an
April conference in Ottawa being organized by
Harper's friend and former University of Calgary
colleague Barry Cooper.
The skeptics continue to believe they can sow enough
doubt to derail action, even though public and
political opinion appears firmly against them. And so
they continue to denigrate the growing body of
research - and growing number of researchers -
warning of the drastic changes being wrought by
emissions from burning oil, coal and gas.
"This latest period has seen many political
developments which overshadow any sane debate on
climate science," the Calgary-based group Friends of
Science, with which Cooper is closely affiliated,
complains in its current newsletter. Particularly
"worrisome" is the United States, where pro-action
Democrats have taken control of Congress.
But the Friends of Science also see reasons to take
heart, including the reluctance of China and India to
embrace the Kyoto Protocol, and problems in
Europe's emissions trading system. Even more
promising, the newsletter notes: "The increasingly
strident tone" of Kyoto advocates "may be linked to
an emerging welcome trend in the mainstream media
to question" whether the science is actually settled.
Particularly comforting for the deniers is their belief
that the prime minister isn't seriously committed to
tough measures. "I don't believe the government
necessarily believe what they're saying at all," says
Harris. "They'll change if the polls and focus groups
"We're trying to convince the public. The government
will do what's popular."
Like the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, the
Friends of Science take the long view. "At the
moment, our arguments appear to be falling on deaf
ears," says Friends president Douglas Leahy. "I see
this as a very long-term commitment. Government
and public opinion will evolve."
That could happen when carbon taxes or other
possible costs hit home, he suggests. "It's easy
enough to say what we should do until you realize
there are penalties and sacrifices you have to make."
Once that's clear, people "may be more willing to
look at the alternative explanations."
On the surface, the skeptics seem a ragtag crew with
limited resources. Friends of Science says it has
several hundred members - mainly engineers and
geologists, many retired. It operates on about
$100,000 a year and depends on volunteers, notes
Leahy. The Stewardship Project is a little more
well-heeled: "If we got to half a million (dollars), I'd
be thrilled," Harris says.
Although they have no formal connection to each
other, the two groups share a number of advisers.
Tim Ball, chair of the Natural Resources Stewardship
Project, is a consultant to the Friends.
Meanwhile, Cooper, a political science professor and
erstwhile mentor to Harper, has enough resources to
offer travel and hotel costs, and $1,000 each, to the
13 people he invited to speak at the April conference
in Ottawa, which he is mounting with the help of
Friends of Science.
One of them is climatologist Ball, a popular,
indefatigable public speaker. Last year, he made
about 100 presentations to the likes of farm groups,
Rotary and Probus meetings and insurance industry
Why does he do it? "Sometimes I wonder myself,
especially when I'm driving through the prairies and
it's 30 below," he says. "I'm not doing it for the
money. It has cost me a lot. But I can't ignore the
science or the evidence."
Last April, the Financial Post published an open letter
to Harper signed by Ball, Leahy and 59 others from
Canada and around the world who claimed to be
"accredited experts in climate and related scientific
disciplines ... writing to propose that balanced,
comprehensive public-consultation sessions be held
so as to examine the scientific foundation of the
federal government's climate-change plans."
Some who signed are unpaid advisers or "allied
experts" of the Friends and the Stewardship Project,
and are to speak at the Ottawa conference.
The non-profit, pro-action Vancouver-based website
DeSmogBlog has been analyzing the list of
signatories. The site, which is devoted to combatting
what it calls "a well-funded and highly organized
public relations campaign" that's "poisoning" the
climate change debate, was established in December
2005 by Jim Hoggan, president of the public relations
firm James Hoggan & Associates and a board
member of the David Suzuki Foundation.
DeSmogBlog says the 18 people with signatures on
the letter whom it has checked out so far have
published relatively few peer-reviewed research
articles - a common standard for scientific
competence - related to global warming. Some on the
list have been paid directly by the oil and coal
industries to conduct scientific research, and many
more are affiliated with fossil fuel industry-sponsored
think- tanks, lobby groups and phony grassroots
coalitions - dubbed Astroturf groups by critics.
Another has withdrawn, saying he misunderstood
what the letter was about.
That tactic was similar to a 1998 anti-Kyoto petition
signed by about 17,000 global scientists, most of
whom turned out to have industry backing, weak
credentials or both.
Advocates of climate-change action say the skeptics
take the same loose approach to their science,
frequently citing "facts" that are wrong or
misrepresentations. That's one reason they'll steer
clear of Cooper's conference.
"It's agenda-driven," says Andrew Weaver, the
Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and
Analysis at the University of Victoria. "I'm not
interested in propaganda."
They are nervous, though, because of what happened
in the United States.
The Washington-based Union of Concerned
Scientists says in a recent report that between 1998
and 2005, Exxon Mobil gave nearly $16 million
(U.S.) to 43 advocacy organizations "that seek to
confuse the public on global warming science."
The chemical, tobacco and asbestos industries have
all previously employed the same tactic to forestall
regulation of their activities and products.
The work of the "Astroturfs," combined with the oil
industry's close ties to the U.S. administration and
senior politicians, had a big impact, the critics say.
They fear the same scenario could be repeated here.
The skeptics have admirers in Canada's oil patch,
which is uneasy about Harper's apparent about-face
on climate change. The Prime Minister "has drunk
the green Kool-Aid," to appeal to voters in Central
Canada, moans a recent article in the Daily Oil
The Friends of Science get oil industry funding. It's
welcome, but "they're not overly generous," Leahy
says. The industry contributes about one-third of the
group's annual budget, or some $35,000.
The source of Cooper's funding isn't clear. He is,
however, a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, a
right-wing think tank and lobby group, which got
$120,000 in two instalments from Exxon Mobil.
Cooper didn't return phone calls from the Toronto
Harris won't reveal who funds the Stewardship
Project, launched in October 2005: "I get donations ...
from Canadians all across the country." Two were for
$10,000 each. "Because of the tenor of the debate, the
possibility of vicious attacks, (donors) don't want us
to make our names public ... We don't want them to
get 3 a.m. phone calls."
The project is no orphan, though. According to
Harris, the idea behind the project came from
Timothy Egan, President of the High Park Group, a
Toronto-based lobby organization. Harris is the
former head of its Ottawa office. The federal
Lobbyists Registration System indicates that High
Park's clients include the Canadian Electricity
Association and the Canadian Gas Association.
Harris argues that there's nothing wrong with industry
funding. For the most part, it doesn't support
research," he adds, paying only for communications
"All the companies want is to see information coming
out about research that supports their side. They
wouldn't have to if all sides were covered (by the
As in the U.S., the skeptics have good political most
notably in Cooper, a former colleague and a fishing
buddy of the Prime Minister. Harris, meanwhile, was
legislative assistant to Bob Mills, who was the
Conservatives' anti-Kyoto environment critic when
they were in opposition and now chairs the House of
Commons environment committee. Harris is now at
odds with his former boss, since Mills wouldn't let
skeptics appear at committee hearings last fall.
The skeptics insist their main motivation is to
promote open discussion and ensure policies are
based on sound science. Then, they argue, tax money
could be spent to cut toxic pollution or fight poverty,
or on other issues where it could have real impact.
"I believe people should try to ascertain the truth of
any phenomenon," Leahy says. "There are so many
big, real problems. Why spend billions of dollars on
hypothetical problems? (What if) we spent all that
money without doing due diligence?"
"I can't say who's right," Harris says. "Neither can the
scientists. I just want a proper airing of the issue ...
There is so much uncertainty that we've got to look at
the science again and decide if this is a good way to
spend so much money."
The deniers' critics call this nonsense, and go to great
lengths to show not only that the science is
convincing enough to justify immediate action, but
also where the skeptics are wrong.
One simple example: the skeptics say Earth has been
cooling since 1998. Yet, NASA's Goddard Institute
for Space Studies reports the planet's average
temperature was 14.4C during the 1990s, and during
the first six years of this decade averaged 14.62.
There is no "other side" to present and argue with,
says Weaver. "It's not debatable."
"Science is not decided by debating points, but by
hard facts of evidence," contends Ian Rutherford,
executive director of the Canadian Meteorological
and Oceanographic Society, in Ottawa. And while the
evidence "fits into a picture that says the climate is
changing for many reasons," the current warming of
the atmosphere "is clearly linked to carbon dioxide
The main scientific discussion now, he says, is how
much the results of warming - the melting of Arctic
ice, the release of greenhouse gases as permafrost
melts, and the atmosphere's increasing capacity to
hold water vapour, which has a powerful ability to
trap the sun's heat - will create feedback that speeds
the whole process.
Still, skeptics have some impact, Rutherford says.
"The tobacco lobbyists always had an impact. People
can believe what they want to believe. Most people
follow the leading opinion. Very few are equipped to
deal with the actual content of what's going on."
(c) 2007 Torstar Corporation

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