That it's so prevalent - it's like a Hydra-headed monster

Keith Addison wrote:

>>Interesting cross post from gasification.
>Oh come on Weaver, we've scotched this brand of BS here so many times 
>before. what's interesting about it???
>>-------- Original Message --------
>>Subject:      Re: [Strawbale] Global warming
>>Date:         Sat, 3 Feb 2007 11:14:34 -0600
>>From:         David Neeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To:   Ron Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I think it's interesting the amount of religious-like acceptance of
>>either a belief in human contribution to a supposed global warming, or
>>a rejection that such a thing is even happening at all.
>>A very few years ago, there were serious scientific discussions and
>>popular magazine covers regarding global *cooling* and an "approaching
>>ice age." Now, the existence of global warming prompts "scientists" to
>>attempt to drum out of the corps of science those who dare question
>>the current cant--that "of course" we have global warming and "of
>>course" we humans are contributing to it.
>>Best as I can tell, evidence on all sides is most definitely mixed.
>>There is a fairly good argument that cooling and warming trends have
>>existed since long before humans were around at all.
>>Local weather conditions, too, are at best highly unreliable guides.
>>Some areas are "warming" while others have record snows (as in
>>Anchorage at the moment).
>>Personally, the only thing I am convinced of is that change is
>>inevitable. I tend to think we've been in the rather balmy period
>>between ice ages and that sooner or later we are likely to have
>>another one.
>>Interestingly enough, the geological record seems to indicate that
>>when an ice age comes upon the earth, we go from a climate similar to
>>ours now to ice covering a good part of the Northern and Southern
>>hemispheres in about fifty years--less than an eyeblink in geological
>>To assert that "whose who question global warming have a financial or
>>personal interest in the status quo", though, is the height of
>>arrogance. I, for one, have no stake either financial or personal in
>>the issue beyond an obvious interest in trying to determine the truth
>>and the consequences it may present to me and my family.
>>In the Dark Ages, the particular religious cant that could not be
>>questioned was the prevailing religious tenets that "everyone"
>>believed. Today, it seems to be global warming and its frequent
>>pseudo-scientific corollary that this is something that no serious
>>person can or should question.
>>That, friends, is BS. The *first* tenet of science is that every
>>assertion can and must be questioned over and over again to find areas
>>in which it may lack in rigor and in which the notion may be refined
>>to more closely fit the observed facts.
>>So--kindly don't try to enforce such claptrap upon me or upon anyone
>>who attempts to arrive over time at better approximations of the
>>truth. Trying to relegate us to motives that may be self-serving or
>>venal only goes so far, mostly upon the equally addle-pated that
>>ascribe evil motives to any who don't readily agree with whatever your
>>particular orthodoxy of the moment might be.
>>On 2/3/07, Ron Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Those who question global warming have a financial or emotional
>>>interest in the status quo.
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