It seems that if you're a young girl, your body is not safe from Big Pharma.  
Is this just the
tip of an incoming iceberg in Amerika? This has to be nipped in the bud! We 
need to wake up
as another right is to be stripped away, all to "protect" us. Our bodies will 
no longer be under
our personal dominion but belong to the state. First mandatory vaccinations, 
then chipping,
scheduled medical exams, etc. Big Pharma and the AMA have control of the 
government and
the government has control of us. What ever happened to the quaint notion that 
the government
is in place to serve us, not control us?
     D. Mindock

Virginia Legislation Updatefrom Health Freedom:

Virginia Legislative Activity in February 2007 (good and bad)

The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) is pleased to announce that 
both the Virginia House and Senate have passed Abraham's Law. This new law is 
an important advance for the rights of parents together with mature older 
children to make informed medical choices. A second law passed by the Virginia 
Legislature this week, however, takes away the right of families to make 
medical choices. This week the Virginia House and Senate became the first state 
legislature to require that school age girls to be vaccinated against the human 
papillomanavirus (HPV). With these laws the Virginia State Legislature is the 
first in the United States to approve such laws in both chambers.

The right of families to make informed medical decisions (Abraham's Law).

In the past few weeks, AAHF has been working with Virginia legislators and 
others in support of "Abraham's Law" (HB 2314 /SB 905) on the rights of parents 
and a mature child to make informed medical decisions. Abraham's Law is named 
for a Chincoteague, Virginia youth whose parents faced a widely publicized 
legal custody battle in the courts during the summer of 2006 just as their son 
was undergoing cancer treatment for Hodgkin's disease. After Abraham Cherrix 
and his parents declined to undergo additional high-dose cancer treatment, the 
parents became the subject of a medical neglect case initiated by Child 
Protective Services. In July 2006 Abraham told the press, "I think it's my 
body. I can choose what's best for my body. If I don't have the right to do 
that, then I don't have any rights at all anyway."

This is an important bill for health freedom in the State of Virginia and could 
become the model law for other states. Abraham's Law would allow parents to 
refuse a certain medical treatment for a child and not face charges of neglect 
on four conditions: 

++ that the parents and child make the decision jointly; 

++ the child is sufficiently mature to have an opinion on his or her treatment; 

++ the family has considered other treatment options; 

++ and the parents believe in good faith that the decision is in the child's 
best interest.

Mandatory HPV vaccination for sixth grade girls

That's the good, now here's the bad news. Unfortunately, Virginia legislators 
have also passed a bills (HB 2035/SB 1230) to require all girls entering the 
sixth grade to receive a vaccine for the sexually transmitted virus that causes 
cervical cancer. The bill was passed in two versions. The House bill give 
parents the right to review information about the vaccine and file a form to 
exempt their daughters from requirement. The Senate version of the bill has no 
parental opt-out provision. 

According to the Washington Post, Merck & Co., maker of the Gardasil HPV 
vaccine, has provided an undisclosed amount of funds for lobbying efforts in at 
least 18 states where lawmakers are considering whether to require the vaccine. 
Two sponsors of the Virginia bill received sizable campaign contributions from 
Merck, according to the Virginia Public Access Project, which tracks campaign 
finances in the state. The House bill's sponsor, Del. Phillip Hamilton, 
R-Newport News, chairman of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions 
Committee, received $10,000 from the pharmaceutical company over the last 
decade. The Senate sponsor, Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax County, has received 
$4,100 from the drug maker since 1998. Last week. The new HPV vaccine announced 
in June 2006 is one of several recent advances in efforts to reduce rates of 
cervical cancer. 

The American Association for Health Freedom believes a mandatory HPV 
vaccination requirement for girls represents a setback for health freedom. 

To contact Virginia Legislators go to and click on 
House of Delegates or Senate. To call the House of Delegates: (804) 698-1500 or 
the Virginia Senate: (804) 698-7410.

Jim Fussell

Campaign Manager

Health Freedom Foundation and American Association for Health Freedom

4620 Lee Highway, Suite 210

Arlington, VA 22207


Fax: 703.294.6380


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