I believe this is how the Rheem company gets super high efficiency in their gas furnace by using longitudinal pressure waves to increase heat transfer efficiency to the heat exchanger.


Zeke Yewdall wrote:

Do a search on "thermoacoustic". This isn't all that mysterious, and if you want to get in to computational fluid dynamics computations, it can all be explained according to the laws of physics. It's essentially the same as a heat pump, only instead of a mechanical compressor to create pressure differences, the standing sound waves set up in the device create areas of higher and lower pressure in the gas, and transfer heat. I can also be harnessed in the reverse, using heat to create sound waves, which then operate a linear generator to generate electricity. I believe it actually operates on the stirling cycle, but without the very hard to machine pistons/cylinders/seals required by a mechanical stirling engine. Yes, right now the efficiency isn't very good now, but the lack of moving parts is appealing. Lots of interesting reading on the web.


    Dear D.M.,

         I suppose for now, this machine is one of life's mysteries.

         A somewhat larger mystery, however, is why someone would buy
    a machine with a coefficient of performance of 1.6 at best when
    water source heat pumps are available with a COP of 5.0.

         Putting this aside for a moment, I assume that the city
    departments are connected to the grid.  So, power is delivered to
    the device with 30% efficiency or thereabouts.

         Let's see .3 X 1.6 = .48 throughput when considering the
    inefficiencies of centralized power.

         Or the city could use any number of furnace/fuel combinations
    to get heat at up to 95 percent efficiency, or so.

         Finally, commercial users are usually charged a premium for
    electricity based on peak usage for the year.  I don't know whether
    this is the case for municipalities in general or for those in
    Georgia, U.S.A.

         Any thoughts?



    >From: "D. Mindock" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >Date: 2007/02/19 Mon AM 03:12:56 CST
    >To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;@unspecified-domain>
    >Subject: [Biofuel] Over unity? Shock waves and steam heat

    > http://www.alternativescience.com/over-unity.htm
    >Shock waves and steam heat
    >For more than two years debate has raged on the Internet about an
    ordinary-looking metal drum sitting on the concrete floor of a
    factory building in Rome, Georgia, 50 miles from Atlanta. Its
    inventor, the man about whom the Internet debate is raging, is
    James Griggs, an industrial heating engineer. The invention that
    has brought Griggs such notoriety is a device that he began
    developing in 1987, that he calls the 'Hydrosonic Pump' and that
    many of his supporters believe is over-unity, in that it generates
    around 30 per cent more energy as heat than is put in as electricity.
    >To the skeptics, the Griggs Gadget is, at best, a case of
    self-delusion on a grand scale, and, at worst, a case of
    scientific fraud. To his supporters, the pump is the first
    unequivocal public demonstration of undoubted over-unity.
    >Jim Griggs told me, 'the pump is based on a theory of what takes
    place when a shock wave is created in a fluid. We know that when
    you create a shock wave in a liquid there is a minute amount of
    energy released into the fluid in the form of heat.'
    >'Most of the previous studies had been done in how to eliminate
    that shock wave, instead of putting the heat to a useful purpose.
    We've designed a system to take the shock-wave heat energy,
    capture it, and produce hot water or steam.'
    >Griggs believes that his device works on perfectly normal
    principles and violates no laws of physics. Just what happens when
    the Hydrosonic pump is filled up with water and switched on is
    described by over-unity investigator Jed Rothwell who conducted a
    detailed engineering investigation of the device in January 1994.
    >'During one of the demonstrations we watched,' he says, 'over a
    20 minute period, 4.80 Kilowatt Hours of electricity was input,
    and 19,050 BTUs of heat evolved, which equals 5.58 Kilowatt Hours,
    or 117 per cent of input. The actual input to output ratio was
    even better than this, when you take into account the
    inefficiencies of the electric motor.'
    >But if there are kilowatts of excess heat available, why doesn't
    Griggs simply use the steam to turn a turbine-generator and
    connect the output to the input -- thus getting a perpetual motion
    >One reason is that converting steam into electricity is an
    extremely inefficient process. You would be lucky to convert 5 per
    cent of the output heat energy back into electricity -- and 2 per
    cent might be nearer the mark. The Hydrosonic pump would therefore
    have to be massively over-unity before you could recover enough
    energy to make it self-sustaining, and at present the margin is a
    'modest' 30 per cent.
    >More importantly, the excess energy does not actually appear at
    the output steam pipe for a constant input of energy. What happens
    is this; the pump is started and after five or ten minutes reaches
    a steady state where it is converting water at room temperature to
    steam. Once this steady state is reached, the pump, according to
    Griggs, goes into an over-unity mode where the output temperature
    is maintained, but the amount of energy needed at the input to
    maintain it, drops by 30 per cent.
    >Griggs has been working with a number of physicists and engineers
    to try to get to the bottom of just how his device works. As well
    as Jed Rothwell's consulting engineering firm in Atlanta he has
    worked with Professor Keizios, dean emeritus of the Department of
    Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology and past
    president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
    Professor Keizos supervised the design of the instrumentation that
    measures the energy input and output of the Griggs Gadget.
    >In a second test, during which the over-unity effect was
    measured, the adjusted co-efficient of power was a remarkable 168
    per cent -- the machine produced 1.68 times the energy that was
    input. A third test did nearly as well with a Co-efficient of
    power of 157 per cent.
    >If the only evidence for these claims were the colour brochure
    printed by Griggs's company, Hydro Dynamics Corporation Inc., and
    reports of his supporters, then most observers might be inclined
    to side with the skeptics: Griggs's claims seem fundamentally
    improbable. Yet surprisingly, Griggs has not only patented his
    device and started manufacturing a commercial version on a small
    scale, he has also sold and installed devices to users in the
    Atlanta area.
    >The customers include the Atlanta Police Department, a fire
    station, a dry cleaning plant, and a gymnasium. Interestingly, the
    Hydrosonic pump was installed in the public buildings by the
    county engineer after evaluating the device. The buildings are
    using the device mainly for heating purposes, and they have been
    running for more than a year. The customers have bills from their
    local electric utility company showing a year on year decrease in
    bills equivalent to 30 per cent.
    >What precisely causes the claimed excess heat? Griggs himself
    rejects the popular idea that his pump has something to do with
    so-called 'cold fusion'.
    >'We have kind of been lumped into the cold fusion field', he says
    wryly, 'because we have experienced excess energy out of the pump.
    As far as cold fusion goes, we don't believe that we're
    accomplishing any type of nuclear reaction within our system. We
    feel that it can be explained through the theory of cavitation or
    >Griggs's gadget has been examined by a steady stream of
    investigators, both friendly and skeptical. So far, they have all
    gone away mystified. Unlike most 'over-unity' devices, however,
    you can buy and install a hydrosonic pump in your own home.
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