BBC NEWS | Science/Nature |
23 February 2007, 11:42 GMT

Farmer power the key to green advance

Michel Pimbert

Behind several kinds of environmental damage lurks the hand of the 
farmer. The key to better prospects for them and the environment, 
argues Michel Pimbert in the Green Room, is giving them more control 
over what they do.

- It is simply unacceptable to allow over 850 million people go to 
bed hungry in a world that produces more than enough food for all

Farmers and other citizens in various parts of the world are engaging 
in a major effort to change the nature of agriculture.

The key phrase is "food sovereignty"; and this weekend, many of the 
interested parties are gathering for a conference in Mali, one of two 
countries (the other being Bolivia) which have adopted it as their 
overarching policy framework for food and farming.

Food sovereignty is all about ensuring that farmers, rather than 
transnational corporations, are in control of what they farm and how 
they farm it; ensuring too that communities have the right to define 
their own agricultural, pastoral, labour, fishing, food and land 
policies to suit their own ecological, social, economic and cultural 

Why is it needed? From the social point of view, because everyone has 
an unconditional human right to food, and it is simply unacceptable 
to allow over 850 million people go to bed hungry in a world that 
produces more than enough food for all.

On the environmental side, industrial farming damages our planet's 
life support systems in a number of ways:

* it is a major contributor to global warming through intensive use 
of fossil fuels for fertilisers, agrochemicals, production, 
transport, processing, refrigeration and retailing
* agrochemical nutrient pollution causes biological "dead zones" in 
areas as diverse as the Gulf of Mexico, the Baltic Sea and the coasts 
of India and China
* human activity now produces more nitrogen than all natural processes combined
* crop and livestock genetic diversity has been lost through the 
spread of industrial monocultures, reducing resilience in the face of 
climate and other changes

The progress of this growing food sovereignty movement could have 
profound implications for scientific research, politics, trade and 
the twin curses of poverty and environmental degradation.

Towards sustainable agriculture

Within the food sovereignty approach, the environmental ills outlined 
above are avoided by developing production systems that mimic the 
biodiversity levels and functioning of natural ecosystems.

Eco-farming helps poor

These systems seek to combine the modern science of ecology with the 
experiential knowledge of farmers and indigenous peoples.

Combinations of indigenous and modern methods lead to more 
environmentally sustainable agriculture, as well as reducing 
dependence on expensive external inputs, reducing the cost-price 
squeeze and debt trap in which the world's farmers are increasingly 

Ecological agriculture has been shown to be productive, economic and 
sustainable for farmers, whether their external inputs are low or 

Scientists recently reported that a series of large-scale 
experimental projects around the world using agro-ecological methods 
such as crop rotation, intercropping, natural pest control, use of 
mulches and compost, terracing, nutrient concentration, water 
harvesting and management of micro-environments yielded spectacular 

For example, in southern Brazil, the use of cover crops to increase 
soil fertility and water retention allowed 400,000 farmers to raise 
maize and soybean yields by more than 60%. Farmers earned more as 
beneficial soil biodiversity was regenerated.

Staying in control

Food sovereignty is not against trade and science. But it does argue 
for a fundamental shift away from "business as usual", emphasising 
the need to support domestic markets and small-scale agricultural 
production based on resilient farming systems rich in biological and 
cultural diversity.

Networks of local food systems are favoured because they reduce the 
distance between producers and consumers, limiting food miles and 
enhancing citizen control and democratic decision-making.

Can food sovereignity lead farmers to greener pastures?

Equitable access to land and other resources is vital, because a 
significant cause of hunger and environmental degradation is local 
people's loss of rights to access and control natural resources such 
as land, water, trees and seeds.

This severely reduces their incentive to conserve the environment; 
the displacement of farming peoples from fertile lands to steep, 
rocky slopes, desert margins, and infertile rainforest soils lead to 
more environmental degradation.

Trade and markets must be made to work for people and the 
environment; current trade policies for agriculture are failing the 
environment and leading to the economic genocide of unprecedented 
numbers of farmers.

New governance systems must ensure that negative impacts of 
international trade such as dumping are stopped, and local markets 
given priority; commodity agreements must restrict overproduction and 
guarantee small-scale producers equitable prices that cover the costs 
of producing food in socially and environmentally sustainable ways.

We need too a radical shift from the existing top-down and 
increasingly corporate-controlled research system to an approach 
which devolves more power to the local level.

The process should lead to the democratisation of research, and more 
diverse forms of inquiry based on specialist and non-specialist 

Reclaiming diversity and citizenship

If unchecked, neo-liberal agricultural policies will aggravate the 
many worrying environmental trends identified by the recent 
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.

- The political choices made by governments and their corporate 
friends can still be decisively rejected and reversed

Grossly unfair market prices will continue to drive ever more farmers 
and owners of local food business to despair and bankruptcy.

This will fuel human tragedies and conflicts associated with 
cross-border migrations everywhere.

The good news is that all this is not inevitable. The political 
choices made by governments and their corporate friends can still be 
decisively rejected and reversed.

But this depends on creating inclusive alliances between farmers, 
fisher-folk, indigenous peoples, scholars and other citizens to exert 
countervailing power - which is perhaps the biggest challenge facing 
the food sovereignty movement.

Dr Michel Pimbert is director of the Sustainable Agriculture, 
Biodiversity and Livelihoods programme at the International Institute 
for Environment and Development (IIED)

He is the author of an IIED report published for the Mali conference 
entitled Transforming Knowledge and Ways of Knowing for Food 

The Green Room is a series of environmental opinion articles running 
weekly on the BBC News website

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