Hi Frank

>Hi Robert and Keith,
>"I know. It happened to me when I was 23 "
>It happened to me, too.  I think "it" is exiting the allegorical 
>cave, seeing the truth and not turning away from it.  It then 
>becomes a burden and a responsibility to uphold, but ultimately, the 
>only thing that matters.

Yes, I'd agree with that, it's the only thing that matters.

>"So the gap grew, as there was more and
>more I didn't and couldn't talk about."
>Aye, there's the rub!  What no one wants to do is talk about the 
>truth if it undermines the premise by which they justify their 

The premise being undermined was that blacks are sub-human. In fact 
the black society I was becoming so involved with completely 
redefined for me what it is to be human. I learnt so much from them. 
Then they had to teach me not to hate whites!

Of course the family et al's way of seeing it was that it was me who 
was undermined, not "the truth". Quite true, I was most certainly 
undermined, and I'm most grateful for it.

>Everyone should talk about everything!  I think you just have to 
>endure Robert.  Keep bringing up these controversial points of view 
>with those around you, and soon enough maybe they will sink in. 
>It's lonely being objective, but truth is our highest 
>responsibility.  No Christian could argue that point with you!

This wouldn't apply to Robert's circle, but so many so-called 
Christians are strangers to any truth that's not in their dogma, even 
if it is in their Bible. I think it's quite easy to tell who's a real 
Christian, you can see if they really think that "God is love", and 
if they don't think that they're not real Christians, IMHO. It's not 
only Christians who think God is love though, all great souls do, and 
you find them everywhere. "If we love one another, God dwelleth in 
us, and his love is perfected in us." I think all societies know 
that, deep in their communal hearts.

>Thanks to both of you,

And to you Frank.




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