OK, prior to my embarkation on the green crusade I was deeply involved in the 
creation of the current  RFID industry so I believe that I am qualified to 
comment on this subject.
Katherine Albrecht is a publicity seeking doomsayer. Her argument that RFID 
tags are "the mark of the beast" (q.v. Revelations) isn't terribly scientific 
[yes, she actually said that] and the pseudo-science she pedals around is at 
best misleading and at worst unnecessary scare mongering.
Here are some facts about RFID:
You cannot easily clone an RFID tag - each one has a unique serial identifier
The protocols used to transmit the data between a tag and a reader are able to 
be strongly encrypted
If you read the Wired article they admit that encryption is possible and that 
the RFID tags that they hacked are either early technology (as in the case of 
the door hack) or for merchandise tracking 
I have worked with some major retailers and I can assure you they do not put 
price data on RFID tags. Most of there systems use a look up of a serial number 
- if you read the chip the information you get back is a meaningless number.
Bill Allen (the guy they quote from Texas Instruments) is a personal friend of 
mine (and a very good pianist :)) and what he says indicates the future 
direction of RFID security: they haven't got it quite right yet but it will 
In the meantime, if you are still worried wrap yourself in tin foil - that will 
mask any tags about (or in) your person.
Best Regards
Philip Gwinnell
Hainan BioenergyOOPS! DID VERICHIP HAVE A "SENIOR MOMENT?"Human Chipping 
Company Omits Salient Risks from IPO Disclosure<snip>
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