Bush will never do it. So it is up to Congress. If they dont do whats right 
then I guess the economic collapse will do it.
  Only an idiot would think the US can stand this drain. It is terribly 
inflationary. Just look at your grocery bill. Prob $4 ethyl by July 4 too. 
  I am ashamed to say I am an American. Our government is the biggest 
collection of holes on the planet - well maybe except for Nigeria, hard to say.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
3 May 2007, 03:50 GMT 04:50 UK

Insurgents 'right to take on US'

Sir Michael said the government had to admit defeat in Iraq

Insurgents in Iraq are right to try to force US troops out of the 
country, a former British army commander has said.

Gen Sir Michael Rose also told the BBC's Newsnight programme that the 
US and the UK must "admit defeat" and stop fighting "a hopeless war" 
in Iraq.

Iraqi insurgents would not give in, he said. "I don't excuse them for 
some of the terrible things they do, but I do understand why they are 

The total number of UK troops killed in operations in Iraq stands at 147.

'Admit defeat'

Sir Michael has written a book drawing similarities between the 
tactics of insurgents and George Washington's men in America's War of 

He told Newsnight: "As Lord Chatham said, when he was speaking on the 
British presence in North America, he said 'if I was an American, as 
I am an Englishman, as long as one Englishman remained on American 
native soil, I would never, never, never lay down my arms'.

"The Iraqi insurgents feel exactly the same way."

He said it was time to bring troops home.

"It is the soldiers who have been telling me from the frontline that 
the war they have been fighting is a hopeless war, that they cannot 
possibly win it and the sooner we start talking politics and not 
military solutions, the sooner they will come home and their lives 
will be preserved."

This meant the UK government would have to admit defeat, he added.

"The British admitted defeat in North America and the catastrophes 
that were predicted at the time never happened," the ex-Bosnia UN 
chief said.

"The catastrophes that were predicted after Vietnam never happened.

"The same thing will occur after we leave Iraq."


| The Guardian | Guardian Unlimited
UK and US must admit defeat and leave Iraq, says British general

Julian Borger
Friday May 4, 2007
The Guardian

A retired British army general says Iraq's insurgents are justified 
in opposing the occupation, arguing that the US and its allies should 
"admit defeat" and leave Iraq before more soldiers are killed.

General Sir Michael Rose told the BBC's Newsnight programme: "It is 
the soldiers who have been telling me from the frontline that the war 
they have been fighting is a hopeless war, that they cannot possibly 
win it and the sooner we start talking politics and not military 
solutions, the sooner they will come home and their lives will be 

Asked if that meant admitting defeat, the general replied: "Of course 
we have to admit defeat. The British admitted defeat in north America 
and the catastrophes that were predicted at the time never happened.

"The catastrophes that were predicted after Vietnam never happened. 
The same thing will occur after we leave Iraq."

General Rose is a former SAS commander and head of UN forces in 
Bosnia. Last year, he called for Tony Blair to be impeached for going 
to war on "false pretences". He has written a book, entitled 
Washington's War, which compares the Iraqi rebels to George 
Washington's irregular forces in the American war of independence.

When he was asked if he thought the Iraqi insurgents were right to 
try to force the US-led coalition out, he replied: "Yes I do. As Lord 
Chatham [the politician William Pitt, the Elder, who, in the second 
half of the 18th century called for a cessation of hostilities in the 
colonies and favoured American resistance to the British Stamp Act] 
said, 'if I was an American - as I am an Englishman - as long as one 
Englishman remained on American native soil, I would never, never, 
never lay down my arms'. The Iraqi insurgents feel exactly the same 
way. I don't excuse them for some of the terrible things they do, but 
I do understand why they are resisting the Americans."

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