I had did some web study on Castor and Jatropha.

Jatropha, being promoted as the perfect biodiesel crop by India, is
receiving international highlights and many investors are interested or even
start investing in planting this crop. This may spoil the original intension
of promoting Jatropha, when large forest was cleared again to make way for
Jatropha plantation rather then planting them on the wasteland or marginal
land where india planned to do.

Castor, the beautiful yet deadly seeds of castor, has been long used as an
non edible oil source by mankind, as well as in other industrial application
like paint, nylon, food addictive, lubricant, etc. And castor oil is a
unuqie oil that it can completely dissolve in alcohol(not too sure what that
means, no catalyst needed?).

Our focus here is obviously biofuel. About which is the better choice for

- drought resistance
- oily seeds sitable for fuel purpose
- seed cake made an excellence manure
- poisonious and therefore producing non eatable oil
- a kind of weed

Jatropha advantage
- it is said that Jatropha would trive on all kind of soil even rocky soil
- Higher oil yield
- it can improve the soil quality

Jatropha disadvantage
- since it is relatively new crop therefore it was not well understood, and
inaccurate yield figure estimation may harm profit, more research and real
data required
- Jatropha is suitable for India where large area of their land consist of
arid wasteland, but may not be suitable to other country like those with
lots of rain forest.

Castor advantage
- Castor oil is one of the oldest traded goods, mankind has been
trading castor oil since a few thousand years ago
- Castor oil has a lot of industrial usage, therefore a market is already
exsistance, thou limited
- Since it was cultivated before in commercial plantation, its biology is
well understood, and high yield hybrid is available
- Castor can be found in medium climate area as an annual crop or in
tropical area as a small tree
- faster oil yield and long term yield is possible for tropical/warm area

Castor disadvantage
- It is said that castor will exhaust the soil quickly, fertilizer required
to maintain a large castor plantation for a reasonable yield, but castor can
often been seen as weed growing without attension, therefore it is possible
to plant it as marginal plant in unattended idle area.
- it notorious poison is feared by the public, perhaps a research on castor
poison(ricin) remedy is necessary.

I do not have a conclusion currently, but as you can see, I am trying to
open up Castor as an extra option here.

- Cultivation requirement: Jatropha maybe able to trive on most kind of
soil, but I believe that to yield reasonable harvest, irrigation and
fertilizer still required. Castor, while the cultivation requirement is
better understood then Jatropha, it is still unknown about which one gets
better yield if left unattended in a poor condition area, it is possible
that each of them will exceed another under specific senarior, intercropping
of castor and jatropha also an interesting subject.

- Harvesting: it seems like it is more labourious to harvest Jatropha,
which its yield grow as scattered fruit, yes, olive harvester can be
modified to harvest Jatropha but it will involved high capital. Castor seem
to be easier to harvest as its yeild made of a branch of fruit, worker can
just cut the whole branch at once.

- Toxicity: It seems that castor seeds are much more deadly then Jatropha,
its toxic, which was being used in assasination, implies that it is
extremely deadly and no remedy avaibale; however castor oil is perfectly
harmless due to the fact that the toxic is only water soluble not oil
soluble. Jatropha, even though toxic, in some case, was roasted and being
eaten dangerously, but note that Jatropha toxic is deadly as well can kill a
person by a 5-6 seeds, I am unable to find more articles about its toxicity
and remedy about Jatropha here. Both plant is said can be detoxify by simply
heating it and thurs destroying the toxic protein, confirmation needed here

- Cost: this is also a main factor, the lower input with higher outcome is

Any other topics are welcome.

Just my 1/2 cents, top up or add on are most welcome.

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