LarenCorie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "LarenCorie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 17:18:58 -0400
Subject: [LittleHouses] Re: Kinda OT: Did somebody buy the Senate Republicans?

From: "sail4free" 

> "By a 65 to 27 vote, the Senate adopted a measure that
> would require cars, trucks and sport-utility vehicles to get
> 35 miles per gallon by 2020 -- compared with a paltry
> 25 miles per gallon today."
> ==========
> "It was a stunning setback for the auto companies, who
> fought tooth and nail against an energy bill that will drag
> America out of our gas guzzling past and into a more
> energy efficient future."

It was also a stunning defeat for alternative energy.
The only way that the Republican block went along
with it, was to totally eliminate the taxes on the oil
companies, that were to go for alternative energy
development (29 billion). This thing went 100%
in favor of the oil industry, which is in complete
favor of high mileage vehicles, which means that
we will drive even more, while they get to charge
higher prices for the fuel, and also tell us that we
are getting more miles per dollar. At the same
time they got exactly what they wanted, by avoiding
the extra taxes on their world record profits, while
also retaining all of their big government subsidies,
and also keeping practical alternative energies from
getting anything at all. This was a giant victory for
the oil industry, which got everything it ask for, on
every single issue. It shows how our government
is sold out by the oil industry. Don't be confused,
oil runs things, not our dying US auto industry.


" Senate Democrats fell three votes short of the 60 needed to
advance a tax package that would have levied $29 billion in
new taxes on the oil industry to pay for developing renewable
fuels and clean-energy programs."

"The White House has opposed allowing Congress to set
specific fuel efficiency requirements, preferring to allow the
federal Transportation Department to set the standard.
Touring a nuclear power plant in Alabama yesterday,
President Bush did not specifically address the fuel
economy standards, but said Congress must "be
realistic" about the overall energy legislation."

Watch out for Bush trying to give the nuclear industry
enough of our money to make it look as if it is econ-
-omically viable, even though it can't afford its own
insurance, its own security, or its own waste disposal.

This Senate bill ain't law yet................

" The President pledged to increase funds for alternative energy
by 22%, but his budget cuts the very programs that would help
us reach this goal, with cuts in energy efficiency and conservation
joining a 13% overall reduction in environmental funding "

Bush is continually, shifting any remaining alternative
energy budget, to go to the oil industry, for them to
do with, as they please.

" On August 8th, President Bush signed his energy bill,
a piece of legislation that will do nothing to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil or help consumers at the pump.
Worse, it's loaded with tax breaks and subsidies to the
energy industry - companies like ExxonMobil "

"We need an energy policy, based on consumption"
George W Bush

-Laren Corie-
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