Hallo Fritz,

This was posted here years ago.  Perhaps it needs to be seen again:

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The Practice of Ritual Defamation

How   values,  opinions  and  beliefs  are  controlled  in  democratic

Defamation   is  the  destruction  or  attempted  destruction  of  the
reputation, status, character or standing in the community of a person
or  group  of  persons  by  unfair,  wrongful,  or malicious speech or
publication.  For  the  purposes of this essay, the central element is
defamation in retaliation for the real or imagined attitudes, opinions
or  beliefs  of  the  victim,  with  the  intention  of  silencing  or
neutralizing his or her influence, and/or making an example of them so
as   to   discourage   similar  independence  and  "insensitivity"  or
non-observance  of  taboos.  It is different in nature and degree from
simple  criticism  or disagreement in that it is aggressive, organized
and  skillfully applied, often by an organization or representative of
a  special  interest  group,  and  in  that  it  consists  of  several
characteristic  elements.

Ritual Defamation is not ritualistic because it follows any prescribed
religious  or  mystical doctrine, nor is it embraced in any particular
document  or scripture. Rather, it is ritualistic because it follows a
predictable,  stereotyped pattern which embraces a number of elements,
as in a ritual.

The elements of a Ritual  Defamation  are  these:

1.In  a  ritual  defamation the victim must have violated a particular
taboo  in  some  way,  usually  by  expressing  or  identifying with a
forbidden  attitude,  opinion  or  belief. It is not necessary that he
"do"  anything  about it or undertake any particular course of action,
only that he engage in some form of communication or expression.

2.  The  method  of  attack  in  a  ritual defamation is to assail the
character  of  the  victim, and never to offer more than a perfunctory
challenge  to  the particular attitudes, opinions or beliefs expressed
or implied. Character assassination is its primary tool.

3.  An important rule in ritual defamation is to avoid engaging in any
kind  of  debate  over  the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has
been  expressed,  only  condemn  it.  To debate opens the issue up for
examination and discussion of its merits, and to consider the evidence
that  may  support it, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying
to  avoid.  The  primary goal of a ritual defamation is censorship and

4.  The  victim  is  often somebody in the public eye - someone who is
vulnerable  to public opinion - although perhaps in a very modest way.
It  could  be a schoolteacher, writer, businessman, minor official, or
merely  an  outspoken  citizen.  Visibility  enhances vulnerability to
ritual  defamation.  An  attempt, often successful, is made to involve
others in the defamation.

5.  In  the  case of a public official, other public officials will be
urged  to  denounce  the  offender.  In  the  case of a student, other
students will be called upon, and so on.

6.  In  order for a ritual defamation to be effective, the victim must
be  dehumanized  to  the  extent  that  he  becomes identical with the
offending  attitude, opinion or belief, and in a manner which distorts
it  to  the point where it appears at its most extreme. For example, a
victim  who  is  defamed as a "subversive" will be identified with the
worst images of subversion, such as espionage, terrorism or treason. A
victim defamed as a "pervert" will be identified with the worst images
of  perversion, including child molestation and rape. A victim defamed
as  a  "racist"  or  "anti-Semitic"  will be identified with the worst
images of racism or anti-Semitism, such as lynchings or gas chambers.

7.  Also to be successful, a ritual defamation must bring pressure and
humiliation  on  the  victim  from every quarter, including family and
friends.  If  the  victim has school children, they may be taunted and
ridiculed as a consequence of adverse publicity. If they are employed,
they  may  be  fired from their job. If the victim belongs to clubs or
associations, other members may be urged to expel them.

8.  Any explanation the victim may offer, including the claim of being
misunderstood,  is  considered irrelevant. To claim truth as a defense
for a politically incorrect value, opinion or belief is interpreted as
defiance  and  only  compounds the problem. Ritual defamation is often
not  necessarily  an  issue  of being wrong or incorrect but rather of
"insensitivity" and failing to observe social taboos.

    An  interesting  aspect  of ritual defamation as a practice is its
    universality.  It  is not specific to any value, opinion or belief
    or  to  any group or subculture. It may be used for or against any
    political,  ethnic,  national  or  religious  group.  It  may, for
    example,   by  anti-Semites  against  Jews,  or  by  Jews  against
    anti-Semites; by rightists against leftists or by leftists against
    rightists, and so on.

    The  power  of  ritual defamation lies entirely in its capacity to
    intimidate  and  terrorize. It embraces some elements of primitive
    superstitious  belief, as in a "curse" or "hex." It plays into the
    subconscious  fear most people have of being abandoned or rejected
    by  the  tribe  or  by  society  and being cut off from social and
    psychological support systems.

    The  weakness  of  ritual  defamation  lies in its tendency toward
    overkill  and  in its obvious maliciousness. Occasionally a ritual
    defamation  will  fail  because  of  poor  planning and failure to
    correctly  judge  the  vulnerability  of the victim or because its
    viciousness inadvertently generates sympathy.

    It's  important to recognize and identify the patterns of a ritual
    defamation. Like all propaganda and disinformation campaigns it is
    accomplished  primarily  through  the  manipulation  of  words and
    symbols.  It  is  not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it
    may  have  cognitive  elements, its thrust is primarily emotional.
    Ritual  Defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and
    to  persecute,  and  to  avoid the dialogue, debate and discussion
    upon  which  a  free  society depends. On those grounds it must be
    opposed no matter who tries to justify its use.

Friday, 07 September, 2007, 07:07:50, you wrote:

>>From Haaretz - Last update - 11:37 06/09/2007 
FF> U.S. prof. who says Jews abuse Holocaust to curb critics resigns By The
FF> Associated Press 
FF> A Chicago university professor who has drawn criticism for accusing some
FF> Jews of abusing the legacy of the Holocaust agreed Wednesday to resign
FF> immediately "for everybody's sake." 

FF> DePaul University officials and political science professor Norman
FF> Finkelstein issued a joint statement announcing the resignation, which came
FF> as about a hundred protesters gathered outside the dean's office to support
FF> him. 

FF> Finkelstein, who is the son of Holocaust survivors, was denied tenure in
FF> June after spending six years on DePaul's faculty. His remaining class was
FF> cut by DePaul last month. 

FF> Advertisement 

FF> His most recent book, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and
FF> the Abuse of History, is largely an attack on Harvard law professor Alan
FF> Dershowitz's The Case for Israel. In his book, Finkelstein argues that
FF> Israel uses perceived anti-Semitism as a weapon to stifle criticism. 

FF> Dershowitz, who threatened to sue Finkelstein's publisher for libel, urged
FF> DePaul officials to reject Finkelstein's tenure bid. 

FF> Finkelstein said in the statement that he believes the tenure decision was
FF> tainted by external pressures, but praised the university's "honorable role
FF> of providing a scholarly haven for me the past six years." 

FF> The school denied that outside parties influenced the decision to deny
FF> Finkelstein tenure. The school's portion of the statement called Finkelstein
FF> a prolific scholar and an outstanding teacher. 

FF> Finkelstein called that acknowledgment the most important part of the
FF> statement. 

FF> "I felt finally I had gotten what was my due and that maybe it was time, for
FF> everybody's sake, that I move on," he said at a news conference that
FF> followed a morning rally staged by students and faculty who carried signs
FF> and chanted "stop the witch hunt." 

FF> Finkelstein added: "DePaul students rose to dazzling spiritual heights in my
FF> defense that should be the envy of and an example for every university in
FF> the United States." 

FF> The professor would not discuss financial terms of the resignation
FF> agreement, which he said was confidential, but noted that it does not bar
FF> him from speaking out about issues that concern him, including the
FF> unfairness of the tenure process. 

FF> He also said he does not know what he will do next, but came to realize
FF> before Wednesday that "the atmosphere had become so poisoned that it was
FF> virtually impossible for me to carry on at DePaul. The least I could hope
FF> for is to leave DePaul with my head up high and my reputation intact." 

FF> Dershowitz was critical of the school. "DePaul looks like they caved into
FF> pressure," he said in a telephone interview. "The idea of describing him as
FF> a scholar trades truth for convenience. He's a man who is a propagandist and
FF> is not a scholar." 

FF> Still, Dershowitz said, "I'm happy he's out of academia. Let him do his
FF> ranting on street corners."

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Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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