
I am sorry, but I am very sure of existence of 
the death camps etc.. Not only because I met a lo of
survivors, but also the very large photographic 
evidence. Already in the early 50's I saw a lot of news
reels, made mainly by the Americans. We did not 
have TV at that time and the news journals was
shown before movies or at the three theatres in 
Stockholm that showed short news, nature, science
and cartoons non stop.

If you want proof, there are a lot of it films, 
photographs and witness statement. I is so much and from
various sources. that it is impossible to stage 
this. You also can look at material from all the court
cases, which is an enormous amount. It is also 
documented that the "Holocaust" was organized by
a small circle of people and the general German 
population was not aware or belive that this was going
on. Many knew that about internment, because it 
was going on in public, but not about "the final solution".
It was a very well guarded secret. Most Germans 
would have been seriously upset and revolted, if they
would have known. I am not a supporter of making 
the German people in general responsible for what
happened, this would be awfully wrong,

You should also remember the very harsh 
punishment that was imposed on the German general population
after WWI. It was no love lost on the Americans, 
French, English etc.. It was also general and severe poverty
and hunger problems in Germany after the WWI 
peace and the Nazis managed to get the country out of that

You should also try to imagine a very much easier 
controlled news information situation and a very skillful
Nazi apparatus to manage it. The Nazis not only 
invented terror bombing and other physiological warfare,
they also invented mass media manipulation and 
became masters of it. Today we are used to it and especially
the ones coming from USA and USSR, but the 
Americans are todays masters. You can imagine how easy it
must have been to manipulate the German 
population, who had never been subject to such things. Do not make
the mistake to measure the 1930's with todays measurement.


At 04:32 PM 9/30/2007, you wrote:
>Hallo All,
>Somehow  I  thought  this  was  the  Biofuel list but if I am going on
>content then I guess it isn't and my reasons are below.
>First,  this  is 2007 not the dark ages.  We actually have science now
>and  much  of  what  has  been  posited  as fact can be scientifically
>verified  or  denied  in  a  broad  spectrum  of areas.  Forensics and
>What  has  been called "The Holocaust" and accepted as undisputed fact
>was not so named by those dubbed as "Holocaust deniers". The burden of
>proof does not lie with the "deniers" but with those claiming that The
>Holocaust  was a planned, oragnized, orchestrated and executed attempt
>to  exterminate  European  Jewery  by various methods but primarily in
>"death  camps"  located  initially  both  inside and outside the Reich
>proper  but  subsequently only outside the Reich in occupied territory
>in the east and primarily in Poland.
>All this has been posited by interested parties without a shred of any
>evidence  other than anecdotal and by the existence of the camps which
>were  called  work  camps  by  the  Germans.   There is not one single
>offical  German reference to such a program and the Germans documented
>everything.   They were hardly shy of announcing to the world of their
>hatred  of the Jews and there is no reason to believe that the Nazi's,
>given  their  proclivity  for  hate,  violence and brutality, would be
>anything  other  than  proud  of their activity in this area and would
>have  not  only  considered  it  quite  accomplished  but  also  have
>proclaimed it from hill to dale worldwide.
>IF the world want to shut all these "Holocaust deniers" mouths then it
>is  only  necessary to do the science folks.  Take the claims of those
>"deniers"  and  either  verify  or  falsify them one by one.  They are
>calling  for science  and  mathematics  so  IF  there  is forensic and
>mathmatical  evidence  to be had then provide it to them and shut them
>up  or if there is none to be had then admit it and let the fuss stop.
>It is as simple as that.
>I  don't  know how many times Keith has told folks that if they make a
>claim  then back it up. Where is the difference? How is it that we are
>willing  to  allow  reason to simply not apply to this matter? We have
>accusations  and  counter  accusations  and we now have the scientific
>ability to lay this issue to rest. So why isn't it being laid to rest?
>How is it that this cherished belief is exempt from scrutiny?
>What  the  Nazi's did in the name of Germany is bad enough.  Should it
>turn  out  that  the  holocaust revisionists are correct then what has
>been  done  to Germany by the rest of the world is just as bad.  I was
>born  in  the United States of parents born in the United States but I
>am  old  enough  to have been called a Nazi in my youth because I came
>from a German speaking family.  I don't much like it.
>The  German government has been owning up to "The Holocaust" since the
>end  of  the  war.  IF  it  turns out that, in fact, there was no such
>thing,  no  death camps, no extermination plans, then how quick is the
>world  going  to  be in saying, "Well, we were right about the rest of
>the  war  but  100 percent wrong about that other little matter. Sorry
>about  that."?  It  isn't  going to happen. Would anyone be sorry that
>generations  of Germans have grown up hating who they are because of a
>lie? I don't think so. We, as a species, seem to be quick to point the
>accusing  finger  but  slow to apologize for a mistake if one has been
>Finding  out for a certainty whether or not this evil thing did or did
>not  happen  would be nice.  It is wearying to keep having this ground
>ploughed  again  and again without having any crops come up.  The seed
>is  there  to  be  sown  so  why  not do it?  Send in a multi-national
>scientific  forensic team and do the science.  Get a definitive answer
>and  lay  this  beast to rest.  We have work to do and this thing does
>nothing  but  divert  attention  from  pressing  problems.   It can be
>definitively  decided.   If  the science and math are there then it is
>laid  to  rest  and  if they are not there it is laid to rest.  End of
>I  am somewhat disappointed that folks would jump on Molloy about this
>without  any  evidence  other  than hearsay, assumptions and cherished
>beliefs  and  particularly  since  Bob was asking questions not making
>accusations.  It  is  incumbent on those making the accusations of the
>atrocities  to  give  scientific  evidence  of  not  only the physical
>possibility  of  the  event  but  of  the  actual event. Leuchter, who
>evidently  went  into  the  forensic  investigation at the behest of a
>"Holocaust  denier" on trial in Canada I believe but with the personal
>intention  of  gathering evidence proving the event, found no evidence
>to  support  the  claims of the Allies and the survivors of the camps,
>but  contrariwise,  found  it  lacking.  As  he  was  working  for the
>"opposition"  so  to  speak  then let disinterested parties, perhaps a
>United  Nations  scientific team of varying nationalities do the work.
>No   big   shake.    Why   should Molloy take the heat?  He just asked
>some questions.
>I  can't  speak  for  anyone  other than myself but I don't like being
>wrong  and  if  I  am wrong I want to bring myself into line with that
>which  is  right  and  am  thankful for anyone helping me to be in the
>right.  "I'm wrong and proud of it." is not a slogan I advocate.  Even
>if  it  makes  me  uncomfortable  or  forces  me  to  make fundamental
>alterations  to my belief and knowledge system I would rather be right
>knowingly than ignorantly wrong.  But that's just me.
>If  someone wants me to believe them they are going to have to show me
>the  evidence.   No  hearsay  or  anecdotes.  No "common knowledge" or
>"eyewitness testimony" from interested parties.  Was it mathematically
>possible  given  the  technology  of  the  day and is there verifiable
>forensic and other scientific evidence?  Not a difficult thing to find
>out I should think.  Why the hesitation?
>Happy Happy,
>Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>without signposts.
>C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
>hear the music.
>George Carlin
>The best portion of a good man's life -
>His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>William Wordsworth
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