ISIS Press Release 02/OCT/2007   Udder Disregard for Safety  GM 
Tobacco for Preventing Mastitis in Cows   The USDA is promoting a potentially 
disastrous strategy for controlling mastitis in cows that could enhance a host 
of other diseases and create new disease agents. Prof. Joe Cummins
  A fully referenced version of this article is posted on ISIS members’ 
website. Details here 
  An electronic version of this report, or any other ISIS report, with full 
references, can be sent to you via e-mail for a donation of £3.50. Please 
e-mail the title of the report to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Mastitis is a bacterial disease of the mammary, bovine mastitis is an 
increasing problem in the dairy industry. The gram negative bacterium, 
Escherichia coli is responsible for most cases of bovine mastitis in North 
America .  Increase in mastitis is, in part, caused by the treatment of the 
cattle with recombinant (genetically modified) bovine somatotropin [1]. The 
United States Department of Agriculture Research  Service  (USDA ARS) has found 
that treatment of  cattle with recombinant receptor protein CD14 can reduce the 
severity of mastitis. The CD14 receptor protein binds to the bacterial surface 
lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a proinflammatory molecule that activates mammalian 
cells to produce and secrete cytokines that induce fever, dysregulated 
coagulation, and vascular collapse. The CD14-related innate immune responses 
facilitate clearance and neutralization of LPS, thereby reducing the severity 
of mastitis.  The recombinant bovine CD14 gene is produced by USDA/ARS
 first in insect cell transformed by a baculovirus vector system [2,3], and by 
the transformation of tobacco plants using the potato virus X as vector for the 
gene for CD14. The recombinant bovine protein was recovered from the 
recombinant  virus infected plants  [4]. The incorporation of recombinant CD14 
in tobacco host plant offers the advantage that a large quantity of the 
recombinant protein can be produced in a short time and at very little cost 
[5]. However, the recombinant potato virus X in tobacco plants raises serious 
safety concerns. Recombination between the viral vector and wild virus will 
lead to widespread dispersal of the recombinant CD14 gene with untoward 
  While CD14 is important in controlling infection by gram-negative bacteria 
such as E. coli, it facilitates invasion by gram-positive bacteria such as 
Streptococcus pneumoniae [6]. Early intestinal colonization of the human infant 
with Staphylococcus aureus gram-positive bacteria are associated with increased 
levels of soluble circulating levels of CD14 [7]. USDA/ARS, in promoting the 
use of recombinant CD14 to treat mastitis in cattle, seems to have given little 
thought to the incidence of pneumonia and toxic shock syndrome caused by the 
elevated levels of soluble CD14 in milk. Furthermore, Staphylococcus mastitis 
may simply take over from E. coli mastitis. 
  USDA is not only promoting CD14 to control mastitis in cattle, but it is also 
regulating the production of the protein in GM tobacco plants.  So far, USDA 
has not discussed the potential of CD14 to enhance diseases caused by 
gram-positive bacteria nor has it discussed the  problems associated with the 
release of the recombinant viral CD14 in the environment- the potential for 
recombination with wild viruses or the transfer of the CD14 gene to food crops 
such as the potato. This is a good time to call on the USDA to consider such 

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