Dear Pannirselvam,

Thanks for the detailed response.  I gather that there is good opportunity
to add to the experimentally established results on castor based biodiesel
and the blends that might work well.  I'm right now exploring a tie-up with
one of the govt research labs and an agricultural university here in India
to set up a small research project.  Your inputs are very helpful for me to
determine how to set the scope of the project.There is a lot of hard selling
on jatropha going on around here.  My purpose is to match the results (FUD?)
available on jatropha based agrofuel number by number with results on castor
based fuel.

I posted a message last Sunday on the local scenario here regarding the new
small car Tata Nano, but not sure if it got through to the list.


Pagandai Pannirselvam wrote:
>  Dear Chandan  and  all the list member
>    Even though I am in Brazil ,which  export the meat very large , I
> actualy  live in the native place of south American Indians, even though I
> also india   from  south India as you pointed out  , Today  the Festival
> Pongal not only  in Tamil nadu state , but also in Singapure ,Malaysia,  ,
> as  Cattle the animal are well  treated  as the make  sustainable living
> possible , not the machine tractor .Thus based on this  old , we may think
> of  ruralise modern mega cities with plants , animals  all mixed like what
> happend in the road to new Delhi railway station . The Indian ways and
> approach are  always  rural ecological  and sustainable  bio systems sotaht
> several unemployed  people can make biofuel  from this mega city. Alcohol
> stove , simple briquete made using animal waste can make possible a true
> `Pongal festivel for all the citizen of the big city
>  Coming to your question the mixture formulation we ARRIVED after 17 year
> of  study  to  sue ethanol in compression engine is   based on the two
> hypothesis as you pointed out   : the micro emulsion USING SURFACTANT  BD
> (alcohol, BD , Petro Diesel)  and the co solvent effect  , where as  the
> amount of  BD need not to be very high compared  to the  micro emulsion
> method , as this  need more amount of BD and equipment too for making
> emulsion with  an energy intensive process.
>   We came to this new  useful  biofuel product  formula not only by
> hypothesis , but using  system engineering methods  We  do look for
> simulated experiments results   by google  search to validate our hypothesis
> and models .As Keith has pointed out  some German group who  also work with
> vegetable oil have  also reported this blend  as the one work too , yet not
> much details .
>  Two years ago we worked out this biofuel blend  , but we are not able to
> go further experiments wiith lack of funds.We wish  to have fresh look on
> what Keith has told about the use of Ethanol and Castor oil , the the
> successful experiments done in Brazil the ready avilable raw material in
> Brazil.  The Brazilian PETROBRAS has made  patent  on BD making diretly from
> Castor seeds and  make viable the process by coproducts values , so that
> Brazil wish to be the Big Biofuel  Producer of the world ( See who will be
> the world  big player of BD in future here in this list and also in our
> recent wiki <> (
> )
>    To be very clear to ver question  , we can say that  not that our work is
> hypothesis , but an system model , little proved   yet we need much proven
> practical results, as we have  very little  evidence and  I am very sorry to
> inform that much detailed studies not have been done , but we are  on the
> half  way.
> Our work is indeed  very limited to the  time and money as  an  all Academic
> University based sysem study,  as Keith  always refer it to be more  limited
> , but we are unable to go till the end , but stay  in the halfway..Rarely
> good fund is made  as we get good results, as fund is over the  good results
> cant be  turned into more useful and  we wish to go further.
>  There are  two known  method or way  to make rural energy  , use  VO , or
> BD , but for small system project   we can think of one  more way the hybrid
> one the biofuel blend  .In  this new approach   we can use BD very less as
> it is also as  an good co solvent additives and surfactant , thus we can
> have  less problems with adoption of motor with this new biofuel blend
> compared to VO and as this  need less energy,  as BD making  is not simple ,
> but a complex one to be done in village level   .The big compnay can make
> BD,the small farmer can thus can  make his own   localy made biofuel blend ,
> to aviod the economic exploition of the big oil companies .Both the public
> and private oil company want to exploit the smal farmer buying the oil very
> cheap and selling the  fuel very high .Thus sustainable food will not be
> possible with is present system ,as well documented  by Keith in recent post
> here in our list .
> More over  vegetable oil  use can be  economic problem as the price are
> expensive..The use of  ethanol and BD extraction vegetable seed Principal
> the castor and cashew nut  oil as well as the biol oil can be pratical
> method tommake biofuel .However  in our system design  approach  we are
> limited to approach . Surely who uses the system need to do the home work
> experimenting the method.
> Thus practical  work alone without undersatanding what one do  , can be good
> for big biofuel as  they wish to sell the products.
>    Several  public and private  oil company have their patent related with
> BD as additives.I am sure som of our list members also knows , do  Phd work
> .They will not make this open as  they do not care for  small systems and
> also small farmer.
>  Our system analysis group wish  one understand the system , the use it ,
> not the block box ,practical ready made things. thus our approach
> compliments several hand made , self made biofuel project published in JTF
> by Keith. In recent work in our wiki <> (
> make  system analysis of BD processes so that
> our students and also  all the new one can understand well the systems .
> Once you understand,learned well , you need to reflect and  practice it and
> can be very creative to make inovative small system . Yet  our system are
> not real proven one , as our work is  an part , and i wish the other can
> make other part too.
> With India making the cheapest car , you can see , there will the food and
> fuel conflict , we need systems work to get the both in decentralized
> village level energy production.
>   I am going to present two International paper on Expert conference in
> India about fuel, food and water problems , and about the use of small
> biogas and intehrated biosystems too.
> This will be my future post here to share more about biofuel  and as you
> have told , 2007 I contributed very less here and  I  am sure in 2008 , as
> we are getting  very good resuts  and hope 2008 will the new year of  bio
> oil, pyrolysis gs , biogas  based on CNSL and  VO, Thus new biofuel can be
> invented , to  make underdeveloped  farmers can  make this globalized word
> much more good place ,as they can also feed all  and them too .
> Thanking for you the good question you made  and wish happy 2008 for biofuel
> list members .
> The number of post are reducing , we all the old and new need to make this
> list as the best which used to be.
>   I expect reply of Keith for all the post , used to make the list much
> dynamics and sure he is doing the best , yet the new list young list
> members can make  questions too , as the future of the global energy are in
> their hands
> With kind regards
> Pannirselvam P.V
> North East (semi Arid)  BRAZIL
>>    Coming to your question the mixture formulation we ARRIVED after 17
>> year of  study  to  sue ethanol in compression engine is   based on the two
>> hypothesis as you pointed out   : the micro emulsion USING SURFACTANT  BD
>> (alcohol, BD , Petro Diesel)  and the co solvent effect  , where as  the
>> amount of  BD need not to be very high compared  to the  micro emulsion
>> method , as this  need more amount of BD and equipment too for making
>> emulsion with  an energy intensive process.
>>   We came to this new  useful  biofuel product  formula not only by
>> hypothesis , but using  system engineering methods  We  do look for
>> simulated experiments results   by google  search to validate our hypothesis
>> and models .As Keith has pointed out  some German group who  also work with
>> vegetable oil have  also reported this blend  as the one work too ., yet not
>> much details .
>>  Two years ago we worked out this biofuel blend  , but we are not able to
>> go further experiemnts wiith lack of funds.We wish  to have fresh look on
>> what Keith has told about the use of Ethanol and Castor oil , the the
>> successful experiments done in Brazil the ready avilable raw material in
>> Brazil.  The Brazilian PETROBRAS has made  patent  on BD making diretly from
>> castor seeds and  make viable the process by coproducts values , so that
>> Brazil wish to be the Big Biofuel  Produzer of the world ( See who will be
>> the world  big player of BD in future here in this list and also in our
>> recent wiki <> (
>>    To be very clear to ver question  , we can say that  not that our work
>> is hypothesis , but an system model , little proved   yet we need much
>> proven practical results, as we have  very little  evidence and  I am very
>> sorry to inform that much detailed studies not have been done , but we are
>> on the half  way.
>> Our work is indeed  very limited to the  time and money as  an  all
>> Academic University based sysem study,  as Keith  always refer it to be
>> more  limited , but we are unable to go till the end , but stay  in the
>> halfway..Rarely good fund is made  as we get good results, as fund is ove
>> rthe  good results cant be  turned into more useful , as e wish to go
>> further.
>>  There are  two known  method or way  to make rural energy  , use  VO , or
>> BD , but for small system project   we can think of one  more way the hybrid
>> one the biofuel blend  .In  this new approach   we can use BD very less as
>> it is also as  an good co solvent additives and surfactant , thus we can
>> have  less problems with adoption of motor with this new biofuel blend
>> compared to VO and as this  need less energy,  as BD making  is not simple ,
>> but a complex one to be done in village level   .The big compnay can make
>> BD,the small farmer can thus can  make his own   localy made biofuel blend ,
>> to aviod the economic exploition of the big oil companies .Both the public
>> and private oil company want to exploit the smal farmer buying the oil very
>> cheap and selling the  fuel very high .Thus sustainable food will not be
>> possible with is present system ,as well documented  by Keith in recent post
>> here in our list .
>> More over  vegetable oil  use can be  economic problem as the price are
>> expensive..The use of  ethanol and BD extraction vegetable seed Principal
>> the castor and cashew nut  oil as well as the biol oil can be pratical
>> method tommake biofuel .However  in our system design  approach  we are
>> limited to approach . Surely who uses the system need to do the home work
>> experimenting the method.
>> Thus practical  work alone without undersatanding what one do  , can be
>> good for big biofuel as  they wish to sell the products.
>>    Several  public and private  oil company have their patent related with
>> BD as additives.I am sure som of our list members also knows , do  Phd
>> work .They will not make this open as  they do not care for  small systems
>> and also small farmer.
>>  Our system analysis group wish  one understand the system , the use it ,
>> not the block box ,practical ready made things. thus our approach
>> compliments several hand made , self made biofuel project published in JTF
>> by Keith. In recent work in our wiki <>(
>> make  system analysis of BD processes so
>> that our students and also  all the new one can understand well the systems
>> .
>> Once you understand,learned well , you need to reflect and  practice it
>> and  can be very creative to make inovative small system . Yet  our system
>> are not real proven one , as our work is  an part , and i wish the other can
>> make other part too.
>> With India making the cheapest car , you can see , there will the food and
>> fuel conflict , we need systems work to get the both in decentralized
>> village level energy production.
>>   I am going to present two International Paper on IAW Expert conference
>> in , in Coimbatore , TN India about fuel, food and water problems , and
>> about the use of small bio gas and integrated biosystems too in the 6 FEB ,
>> 2008. and wish to share indian experience also of the biofuel here.
>> This will be the topic of  my future post here to share more about
>> biofuel  and as you have told , in 2007 I contributed very less here and  I
>> am sure in 2008 , as we are getting  very good results  The 2008 will the
>> new year of  bio oil, pyrolysis gs , biogas  based on CNSL and  VO, surely
>> biofuel blend  will  be the hot topic The new biofuel blend can be invented
>> , to  make underdeveloped  farmers can  make this globalized word much more
>> good place ,as they can also feed well  all the world   and them too .
>> Thanking for you the good question you have made  and wish happy 2008 for
>> biofuel list members .The number of post are reducing a bit , we all the old
>> and new member  need to make this list as the best which used to be ., which
>> is  and surley will be too .
>> I wish too reply of Keith for all the post as he used to do always  to
>> make the list much dynamics with new  useful data and sure he is doing the
>> best for a long time  , yet the new list young list  members can make
>> questions too , as the future of the global energy are in their hands to mak
>> it more just and sustainable for all not for few.
>> With kind regards
>> Pannirselvam P.V
>> North East (semi Arid)  BRAZIL

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