Book: Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Modification   
Posted by: "Shahee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cybergypsyarts   Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:28 
pm (PDT) 
I recently received my copy of “Seeds of Destruction; The hidden 
Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” by F. William Engdahl http://
 (a book I would recommend everyone 
  read!) and I’m loving it! This book reads like a Murder Mystery, 
yet it’s not fictional and tells about the hand shaking and 
intermingling between corporate giants like Monsanto, and the FDA who 
is supposed to be regulating them.
“In 1991, the Food and Drug Administration created the new position 
of Deputy Commissioner for Policy to oversee agency policy on GM0 
foods. The agency named Michael R. Taylor to be its first head. 
Taylor came to the job as a Washington lawyer. But not just any old 
garden variety of Washington lawyers. As a food and drug law 
specialist with the Washington power firm, King & Spalding, Taylor 
had previously successfully represented Monsanto and other biotech 
companies in regulatory cases.”

Monsanto has a long history of bribing, coercion and down right evil 
doings. This is one corporation that we all should keep an eye on.


…”Though Monsanto claimed that its rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth 
Hormone - Which is genetically modified) was one of the most 
thoroughly examined drugs in US history, rBGH was never tested in the 
long-term for (chronic) human health effects. A generally accepted 
principle in science holds that two years of testing is the minimal 
time for long-term health studies. rBGH was tested for only 90 days 
on 30 rats. The short-term rat study was submitted by Monsanto to the 
FDA but was never published. The FDA refused to allow anyone outside 
the administration to review the raw data from this study, saying 
that publication would “irreparably harm” Monsanto. Monsanto has 
continued to refuse to allow open scientific peer review of the 90 
day study. This linchpin study of cancer and rBGH has never been 
subjected to scrutiny by the scientific community.

“Not content to feed GMO milk exclusively to its own unwary 
population, the US Government exerted strong pressure on Mexico and 
Canada also to approve rBGH, as part of an effort to expand 
Monsanto’s rBGH market globally.

“However, the FDA-Monsanto campaign got a nasty setback in January 
1999, when the Canadian counterpart to the FDA, Health Canada, broke 
ranks with the US and issued a formal “notice of non-compliance” 
disapproving future Canadian sales of rBGH, sometimes also called 
rBST or recombinant Bovine Somatotropin.

“The action followed strong pressure from the Canadian Veterinary 
Medical Association and the Royal College of Physicians, which 
presented evidence of the adverse effects of rBGH milk, including 
evidence of lameness and reproductive problems. Monsanto had been 
very eager to break into the Canadian market with its rBGH, even to 
the point, according to a Canadian CBC television report, that a 
Monsanto official tried to bribe a Canadian health official sitting 
on the Government review committee with an offer of $1-2 million, to 
secure rBGH approval in Canada without further studies. The insulted 
official reportedly asked, “Is that a bribe?” and the meeting ended.

“Moreover, a special European Commission independent committee of 
recognized experts concluded that rBGH, as reported in Canadian 
findings, not only posed the above named dangers, but also major 
risks especially of breast and prostate cancer in humans.

“In August 1999, the United Nations Food Safety Agency, the Codex 
Alimentarius Commission, ruled unanimously in favor of a 1993 
European Union moratorium on the introduction of Monsanto’s rBGH 
milk. Monsanto’s rBGH was thus banned from the EU.

“This setback was not to daunt the persistent bureaucrats at the 
FDA, or their friends at Monsanto. Since GMO labeling had been 
forbidden by the FDA, Americans were blissfully unaware of the 
dangers of drinking the milk. With regard to reporting the UN 
decision and the negative Canadian conclusions, the US media were 
respectfully quiet. Americans were simply told that the EU was trying 
to hurt American cattle farmers by refusing imports of hormone-fed US 

Excerpt from “Seeds of Destruction; The hidden Agenda of Genetic 
Manipulation” by F. William Engdahl 

Buyer beware. You are what you eat - know your food.

I highly recommend that you check this book out. It could mean the 
very survival of your family! No, seriously.

Peace, love and light!

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