On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Keith Addison

>  I am also interested in creating a toilet that combines a bidet with
>  a composting sawdust toilet. Since these toilets can cope with urine,
>  I'm sure they could cope with the small amount of water that a bidet
>  produces. See the Composting Toilet Systems Book and Humanure
>  Handbook for more information.

Composting toilets actually have a bit of trouble dealing with urine,
especially the small self contained units.  Too much liquid drowns
them and makes them go anerobic instead of aerobic.  This is why most
of them have electric heaters in them... the non heated ones that only
have a vent fan to aid in evaporation can handle a much lower loading
than the ones with heaters.   Now.. there is no reason that you
couldn't use a solar thermal system to aid in the heating and
evaporation instead of an electric heater...  but I know that too much
liquid can be a problem.

I still think that a bidet would be good to avoid using so much paper.
 In africa I used a little tea pot of water, and it was fine.  For my
current situation, in the winter the outhouse is well below freezing
most of the time, so it might get a bit frozen up..... but perhaps I
could think of a way to incorporate a solar thermal system on there


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