Published on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer 
      A Better Way to Feed the Hungry 
      by Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé 
           Bill Gates thinks he's got a brilliant idea: fighting malnutrition 
abroad by fortifying food. 
  The scheme, backed with $50 million from the Gates Foundation, in part 
encourages Proctor & Gamble, Philip Morris' Kraft, and other companies to 
develop vitamin and iron-fortified processed foods. It then facilitates their 
entry into Third World markets.
  Gates seems to believe we don't have time to address the complex social and 
political roots of malnutrition. But in opting for this single-focus, top-down, 
technical intervention, Gates can end up hurting the very people he wants to 
  His strategy ignores a crucial reality: Many, if not most, of the hungriest 
people in the world are themselves farmers. They eke out a living by selling 
what they grow, and eating it. Helping foreign food purveyors penetrate their 
markets will only further rob them of livelihood. For example, India's dairy 
cooperatives -- many run by poor women -- would be hard-pressed to withstand 
the onslaught of Kraft's marketing power.
  The Gates approach also hurts the poor if it shifts tastes toward processed 
foods -- typically adding fat, sugar, and salt while removing needed fiber and 
micronutrients. This diet trend already contributes to the spread of diseases 
currently burdening the industrial world. Obesity and diet-related diseases 
including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are becoming a global crisis. In 
the Third World, grossly insufficient health care budgets are now being 
diverted to treat these conditions, and away from treating deadly infectious 
  Aiding market penetration by global food processing companies also ends up 
making consumers dependent on foreign suppliers for life's essentials. But 
while corporations such as Kraft or Proctor & Gamble might well participate in 
Gates' do-good scheme, ultimately their interests diverge from those of the 
hungry. By law, theirs is assuring the highest return to their shareholders -- 
foreigners -- not the improved well-being of local people, and certainly not 
hungry local people too poor to make their needs felt in the market.
  Even the piece of the Gates scheme focused on fortifying grain (presumably 
locally grown) misses critical lessons learned since the first World Food 
Conference in Rome declared war on global hunger almost three decades ago.
  Then, many still believed that hunger could be solved by simple, 
mass-production approaches. After decades of failed, technologically-driven 
solutions, a new wisdom is emerging.
  We recently traveled on five continents, witnessing a heartening array of 
local initiatives addressing the complex, interwoven roots of needless 
malnutrition. These are not pie-in-the-sky solutions; they are working.
  In 1993 Brazil's fourth largest city, Belo Horizonte, declared food a right 
of citizenship. This single shift of frame -- beyond charitable hand-outs, 
beyond market tyranny -- unleashed dozens of innovations: Making city plots 
available for local, organic farmers as long as they keep prices within the 
reach of the poor; posting where to find the cheapest prices for over 40 food 
staples; enhancing nutrition in school lunches by replacing processed foods 
with local organic food. The city also tries to innoculate newly arrived 
dwellers against global corporate food advertising (probably including that of 
the very companies in the Gates fold) by educating them to the value of 
sticking with the healthy whole foods diets they grew up on in the countryside.
  Across the globe in Kenya, women of the Green Belt Movement, an 
anti-desertification campaign that has planted 20 million trees, are now 
reclaiming diverse, traditional food crops. They are creating organic kitchen 
gardens growing precisely the fruits and vegetables that provide the nutrients 
Gates' fortification scheme seeks to supply.
  A promising international "fair trade" movement now also addresses the 
powerlessness that leaves people malnourished in the first place. Third World 
producers can market fair trade products, such as coffee certified by 
Oakland-based Transfair USA, helping to ensure the livelihood of some of the 
world's poorest people.
  Tens of thousands of such innovative efforts, many citizen driven, continue 
to emerge on every continent. They are succeeding because they address the real 
causes of malnutrition -- concentrated economic and political power that blocks 
people from pursuing their interests and from building vibrant, sustainable 
local economies, accountable to local needs.
  Just imagine what might happen if Bill Gates chose not to fortify corporate 
foods but to use his $50 million to fortify efforts like these, encouraging 
their cross-fertilization and replication. With nutrient deficiencies stunting 
the lives of at least two billion people we can't afford ill-considered 
strategies that will hurt rather than help.
  Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé are authors of "Hope's Edge: The Next Diet 
for a Small Planet"
  ©1999-2002 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
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