Andrew Fletcher applied what he was finding about gravity  to humans, and I 
am interested in the results.  I find that Andrew's  suggestions have proved to 
be very beneifical to several health  conditions.  I refer in particular to 
the Inclined Bed Therapy. I have  tried it, and know several members of a 3 
different groups whom use it  with positvie results of various sorts. I posted 
about the Cliff  experiment as well as the other urls as I am interested in the 
opinion of the  members of this group of this therapy. I have been in 
communication with  Sepp Hasslberger and others, including a alternative 
whom has had  very good results using it with many of his patietns. I would 
like to know  if any of you have tried it and the resuls.  

At  the second url below, there are many urls about the Inclined Bed Therapy, 
 plus a few testimonials which were originally sent to me by people I  know, 
if anyone is interested. [permission has been granted  to put them on Sepp's 
website ] How Andrew Fletcher concieved of  the Inclined Bed Therapy and what 
it is has been explained at  the first url.
           best  wishes
The Importance of Gravity to our Health  and Wellbeing, and its Relation to 
Rest & Sleep 
Each of  us chooses to ignore the power of gravity every night as we lay in 
our flat bed.  How safe is sleep in this position? How can it affect our health 
and wellbeing?  Many positive benefits have been achieved using this simple 
modification to the  way that we sleep and sit.The implications for this 
discovery are endless. This  discovery remains uncontested, logical and fully 
repeatable in simple tubular  models. The principle has been demonstrated 
some 3 thousand people at the  1997 London International Inventions Fair and at 
demonstrations at Exeter  University, Paignton Community College, Highweek 
Primary School, and many  others, including the main boardroom at Jaguar Cars. 
Page 3 of The Gravity of  LIfe at 
Medical Underground: Inclined Bed  Therapy

Life And Gravity: Sleeping In A Horizontal Position  May Be Bad For You
In a message dated 03/09/2008 8:30:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

You wrote:
>capillary transport is not pumped by  atmospheric pressure.
>  I dont understand why this is a new  discovery.

I don't know if your comments are  directed at my explanation of the 
Tension-Cohesion Theory or the recent  work of Mr Fletcher (original post).

Capillary  action contributes very little to the movement of water in  

The significance of the experiment:
At sea level, atmospheric pressure is only enough to raise water 
(against  no resistance) approximately 10 meters. In his experiment Mr 
Fletcher was  purportedly able
>> to raise  water 78 feet without the support  of any artificial aids,

My reply  (explanation of the Tension-Cohesion Theory) was in response 
to what I  believe to be an erroneous extention of the results.
>>This explains  how trees can raise  water to their tops beyond the 32  feet
>>limit said an ecstatic Mr Fletcher.


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