Hi Peter

>Hi Keith ;
>These are ominous developments, but far worse should be expected eventually.

Yes, 'fraid so.

>As we discussed before, the answer here is to treat life forms like 
>perpetual motion machines.  In other words, you cannot get a patent 
>on any kind of perpetual motion machine. Similarly, you should not 
>be able to get a patent for any life form.

And for much more pressing reasons. Well put, Peter.

There's widespread and growing opposition to patenting life forms and 
its implications, you might almost say it's a general opposition that 
includes just about everybody excepting those with an interest (ie 
paid for), who're actually quite few, though powerful and influential.

The Monsantos and Robert Zoellicks of this world aren't having it all 
their own way, less and less so. Especially since everything seems to 
be falling apart right now (no big surprise) - excepting the massive 
and ongoing worldwide increase of ordinary people who're finding 
other ways of doing things, that's not falling apart at all, it goes 
from strength to strength.

What did Arundhati Roy say... "The only thing worth globalizing is dissent."

I get her point, though I don't quite agree. Global village-type 
networking definitely empowers dissent (Seattle 1999, Cancun 2003, 
Doha in Geneva 2008), but I think there are a lot more benefits as 
well - it empowers people, and communities.

We'll see, all in good time (I hope).

All best


>Peter G.

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