Well this is very sad.  Best of luck getting rid of it if you don't treat it 
as a fungus. You are going  to need it.
In a message dated 12/10/2008 10:50:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Cancer  isn't a fungus....

--- On Fri, 10/10/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] alternative to  vaccines
> To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Date:  Friday, October 10, 2008, 8:13 PM
> Mold and fungi make me  very  uneasy. I am not saying that it
> is not a good 
> thing, at least  in some  circumstances. But for just one
> example, cancer is a  
> fungus - this alone bothers  me. If one is going to use
>  mold in the soil, I 
> would advise  wearing a mask and gloves at  the very least.
> And taking the outdoors 
> clothes off   before going in the house. For some reason
> most people don't 
>  seem to  realize how easy it is for mold to effect them.
> Fungus  is hard to kill 
> and is a  very opportunist entity: by comparison  both
> viruses and bacteria  are 
> extremely simple to get  rid of permanently. Even when one
> uses both  diet and 
>  anti-fungals to get rid of fungus in the body - the fungus
> has a   tendensy to 
> hide in wet dark places in the body and as soon as  the
> immune system  is 
> otherwise occupied, come out again  to cause untold damage.
> I do not like  fungi - 
> they are  very  dangerous, in my opinion. I know somebody
> whom got a   bit 
> mold/fungi blown into their eye....... last I heard 10
>  months later, the eye  was 
> still infected in spite of putting  anti-funals in the eye 
> daily.
> Understanding  the Condition of Cancer 
>  _http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/understanding-the-condition-of-cancer/_
>  (http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/understanding-the-condition-of-cancer/)
> All life on earth  is  divided into five kingdoms: Plants,
> Animals, Fungi, 
> Protozoa,  and Monera  (bacteria). In short, fungi are not
> plants; fungi are  a 
> different and more  primitive kingdom whose  differences
> provide the wherewithal 
> to poison the   denizens of other kingdoms, including the
> species, Homo Sapiens.  
>   Differences Between Fungi and Plants; many  different
> forms of Fungi;   
> Important  Building-Related Illnesses and Exposure Sources; 
>  more
>  _http://users.rcn.com/leadsafe/fungi.html_ 
>  (http://users.rcn.com/leadsafe/fungi.html) 
>  Cancer and Its Connection to Candida 
> From: Is Cancer Contagious? By  David Holland, MD 
>  _http://www.mercola.com/2003/may/24/cancer_contagious.htm_ 
>  (http://www.mercola.com/2003/may/24/cancer_contagious.htm) 
> Fungus Causing Cancer -
> Video. A Novel  Approach to  Most Common Cause of Death.
> Interview with Dr  
> Simoncine.
>  _http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=bb4n0hlhh1c0l_
>  (http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=bb4n0hlhh1c0l)
> Cancer as a Fungus
>  _http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/398.html_ 
>  (http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/398.html) 
> Candida’s  Connection to Cancer 
> From: The Pain of Cancer, article provided  by:
> _www.turnerwellness.com_ 
>  (http://www.turnerwellness.com)  
>  _http://www.turnerwellness.com/media/media-ia-cancer.htm_ 
>  (http://www.turnerwellness.com/media/media-ia-cancer.htm) 
>        best  wishes
>     Shan
> In a message dated 10/10/2008 12:19:37 P.M.  Eastern
> Daylight Time,  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:
> Perhaps if  people knew there are substances to  cure flu
> and other viruses 
> (pox et cetera)  vaccination  would lose its charm.
>  http://fungiperfecti.com/mycotech/index.html
> fascinating  presentation
> Kirk

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