One reason you should read this because near the bottom it says  "Therefore, 
no one should be treated with antibiotics unless it is known  how able they 
are at removing Lyme*s biotoxins."  
 Why Aggressive Lyme  Treatment Can Fail: Focusing on the Bee and Ignoring 
the Stinger 
by Dr. James Schaller, M.D. 
I have never been comfortable with failed care. You know what  I mean. You do 
an intake, get some lab testing done, you are given a diagnosis  such as Lyme 
disease, and then you take full and aggressive antibiotics for  complete 
trials. Yet they do not hit the home run you hoped for, and in fact at  times 
actually feel worse. At best, you improve partially and then hit a  wall. Why? 
How is it that the *cure* makes you sicker and leaves you far short  of a 
return to normal health? 
Last month, we mentioned one reason for Lyme treatment  failure--Babesia has 
over 11 species that infect humans and our labs only test  one or two. We have 
also found that Bartonella has at least nine species that  infect humans and 
99% of our lab testing is fair and only tests for two. I will  discuss this 
more in an upcoming Bartonella textbook. Still another cause for  Lyme 
failure is exposure to indoor surface mold spore toxins found in  30% of USA 
structures (per EPA). 
These mold spore surface toxins highjack dozens of body  chemicals and weaken 
your ability to fight Lyme. Are your air ducts dusty? If  you answered, *Yes* 
this may be adding to your illness. Mycotoxins are almost  entirely ignored, 
and sometimes actually naively belittled in advanced Lyme  medical care. In 
this article, I would like to discuss biotoxins that are not  from special 
indoor molds, but from the Lyme bacteria itself. How often do you  hear this 
discussed as a problem in Lyme treatment? If it is discussed, is it  merely in 
context of **it might be good to take some cholestyramine to bind  up some Lyme 
biotoxins?** But when I listen to discussions about Lyme*s surface  biotoxins 
it is usually clear the reasoning is confused. 
I would like to make this critical area of Lyme biotoxins and  your ability 
to remove them simple and understandable. 
First, we should not be surprised that any organism has  biotoxins because 
the biological world is teeming with organisms that use toxic  chemicals to 
function and survive. In the animal kingdom snakes and skunks have  killing or 
annoying chemicals. Fish carry toxins in their barbs or their body.  Insects 
a wide range of toxic stingers and toxic inflammatory bites. Fungi  and molds 
have dozens of toxins that have absolutely no safe dose. 
Finally, bacteria and viruses have many toxins that serve to  undermine host 
defenses and increase the damage of these infections. In this  context, that 
Lyme bacteria have toxins on its outer membrane should be no  surprise. Lyme 
has over two-dozen plasmids designed to defeat the attacks of the  immune 
system, so why not also have biotoxins to defeat the immune system and  
the human body? 
Simply, Lyme bacteria release more than bacteria debris when  they die, they 
also release highly specific chemicals that are designed to  disrupt and 
damage a mammal*s body. With each passing year, medicine and science  learn 
and more about the seriousness of biotoxins such as those made by  Lyme 
bacteria. Biological toxins like those found in Lyme bacteria have so many  
ways to 
harm your body, that it would take a small book to show how they harm  humans 
when released. Yet here are some brief examples. 
Lyme biotoxins disrupt the fat cell system  and if not removed cause a type 
of obesity highly resistant to diet and  exercise. The critical Leptin hormone 
increases and creates a type of bloating,  puffiness or abdominal distention 
that is demoralizing to those trying  to have a healthy weight. 
Lyme biotoxins can disrupt VEGF that make and open capillaries  throughout 
the entire body. These biotoxins undermine VEGF function so your  capillaries 
ability to get oxygen to many types of tissues is impaired. A  disrupted VEGF 
system often leads to profound fatigue and body pains,  particularly after 
exercise or pushing yourself to perform a **full days work.** 
Similarly, Lyme biotoxins can disrupt the manufacturing of  erythropoietin, a 
crucial chemical that produces red blood cells that carry  oxygen to all our 
body organs. Amazingly, the number of red blood cells does not  control 
erythropoietin levels, but instead it is regulated by low oxygen in your  
The body knows you can have *average* numbers of red blood  cells, and still 
have tissues starving for oxygen. That biotoxins can sometimes  disrupt tissue 
oxygenation is not unique, since other illnesses also cause this  problem, 
e.g., kidney or liver diseases, excessively thick blood, inflammation  
chemicals, nutritional deficiencies, hypothyroidism, infections or cancers. 
Lyme biotoxins also undermine the making of MSH  (melanocyte-stimulating 
hormone), which according to Dr. Cone*s definitive text  has about fifteen 
critical functions. It controls inflammation, so it is being  used to treat 
inflammation disorders like asthma and psoriasis and ulcerative  colitis. It 
repair nerves and makes the natural pain system work normally. 
Perhaps one reason some struggle with addictions is their MSH  is abnormally 
low—under 35-40. This super anti-inflammatory chemical is  currently 
manufactured all over the world for a wide range of illnesses. After  passing 
extensive FDA process it will eventually be available in the United  
not soon. 
Another chemical impacted by Lyme biotoxins with some similar  abilities is 
VIP (Vasoactive intestinal peptide). VIP is the topic of over  10,000 research 
papers and is involved in dilating the heart*s blood vessels,  promoting 
breathing by bronchodilation and controlling the immune and hormone  systems. 
However, its role in the brain is the cause for great excitement. It  can 
brain tumors, improve brain blood flow, improve learning and  memory, and 
protect the brain. 
The introductory article is only meant to show you sample ways  Lyme 
biotoxins can harm the human body. Do you wonder how effective your body is  at 
removing Lyme biotoxins? You can easily determine your unique genetic ability  
remove Lyme*s specific biotoxins by ordering a special 5-part HLA inherited  
gene marker test from LabCorp (test 012542), which is one of the largest labs 
the United States. 
This HLA test is not the HLA-DR4 test that is involved in  aggressive Lyme 
arthritis. It is also not the HLA-B27 that is found in people  with ankylosing 
spondylosis, various types of arthritis, and some people  suffering from 
psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease or other autoimmune  disorders. 
This 5-part HLA test is able to determine how well you can  remove the 
dangerous biotoxins of different organisms that live in the oceans,  lakes, 
and buildings. But for our purposes in Lyme disease treatment,  we are 
particularly interested in two patterns—the 15-6-51 or the 16-5-51  pattern. If 
have these you will not be able to remove Lyme biotoxins. 
So when you try to kill Lyme with antibiotics, antibiotic  herbs, HBOT, or a 
wide range of traditional or progressive means, you will  release Lyme’s 
surface biotoxins and they will pass throughout the body easily  and disrupt 
damage dozens of human body functions. 
Simply, this Lyme poison has no natural body antidote for  those who cannot 
naturally remove it—it will simply stay in your body and damage  gene 
expression, hormones levels, protein function and cause dozens of other  
Consider it to be an eternal disruptive chemical poison able to easily  pass 
through water pores and cell membranes. 
If you make the mistake of thinking you are still ill because  of residual 
Lyme, and try additional antibiotics at higher doses, you will  release still 
more biotoxins and they will damage your body. Therefore,  no one should be 
treated with antibiotics unless it is known how able they are  at removing 
You do not open a drum of industrial chemicals until you first  know how well 
the body is going to survive the exposure as you remove the top!  For 
children who fear lab testing, their HLA pattern can often be determined  from 
parents. If both parents do not have the Lyme problem gene, then none  of 
their children can have it. 
Other HLA patterns exist which will cause Lyme toxins to be  released slowly. 
But they are outside the scope of this introduction. 
Further, one often hears that the treatment for those who have  biotoxin 
damage is simply the use of cholestyramine, an old cholesterol  medication with 
broad biotoxins binding abilities. Unfortunately, in reality, by  the time most 
patients with the 15-6-51 pattern or the 16-5-51 pattern get to my  office, 
they have had these biotoxins disrupting many body systems and my  
need to be equally as complete. The idea cholestyramine will  reverse all 
damage in a few months of aggressive use is profoundly simplistic. 
Further, after these individuals are physically repaired from  biotoxin 
damage, they then require very tailored and carefully paced Lyme  treatment 
with treatment for their co-infections. 
(The original Lyme biotoxins and HLA pattern work was done by  Dr. Ritchie 
Shoemaker. It has been replicated by a small number  of clinicians who 
understand this medical science.)
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