from the  Book: Magnesium, The Nutrient That  Could Change Your Life 
Think of all the jobs the nervous system must perform. Every  activity of 
life, from the respiration of a single cell, to a gross motor  function such as 
piloting an aircraft, is controlled by the nerves. 
Yet nutrition as it applies to the nerves is a sadly neglected  affair. Any 
schoolchild knows he needs plenty of protein for muscle, vitamin C  for healthy 
gums, and calcium for strong bones. But ask him what foods are good  for his 
nerves and chances are he doesn't know. Fortunately, the fats, proteins,  and 
vitamins that are needed for healthy nerve tissue are fairly abundant in the  
diet. However, one nutrient that recent research has found to be lacking in 
the  diets of most people, and which lack may be the cause, of so much nervous  
illness, is magnesium. Information on, the essentiality of magnesium to the  
nerves was published by Penn and Loewenstein of Columbia University in Science  
(January, 1966), and will be discussed in a later chapter. Taking advantage 
of  new advances in electronic measuring techniques, the scientists studied the 
 electrical conduction of currents by the nerves. Their most important 
finding  was that while calcium is the prime conductor of these minute 
currents, it is magnesium that maintains normal levels of calcium in the 
How does magnesium regulate calcium levels? Inside the body,  these two 
minerals are positively charged. When they come into contact with  negatively 
charged particles, an electrical current is formed. It is believed  that fatty 
acids comprising the major portion of nerve tissue are negatively  charged. It 
for this reason, then, that calcium and magnesium supplies must  be constantly 
renewed; without them, the flow of current by the nerves cannot be  
In, like fashion, a storage battery **works** only when a  positive and a 
negative electrode are present to maintain an electrical current.  When the 
positive plates become exhausted, the battery is no longer any good. By  this 
mechanism, small amounts of electrical currents flow from the calcium  ion to 
the negatively charged nerve lipids. When magnesium levels are low, the  
calcium supply becomes exhausted, and in the absence of adequate calcium, the  
nerve cells cease to function. 
Calms the Nerves 
Magnesium works in other ways to preserve the health of the  nervous system. 
By the twentieth century, doctors had learned that magnesium  injections exert 
a depressant effect upon the nerves. In fact, one of the early  uses of the 
mineral was to induce sleep. It is significant that hibernating  animals have 
very high magnesium levels. Magnesium has also been shown effective  in 
controlling convulsions, in pregnant women, epileptic seizures, and **the  
in alcoholics. 
Yet one of the paradoxical effects of the mineral upon the  nerves is that a 
magnesium-deficient person who takes magnesium feels more  energetic than 
before, even though the mineral is a depressant and not a  stimulant. Actually, 
magnesium relieves the nervous irritability and excessive  energy that give 
to fatigue in the first place. 
It should not be surprising, then, that when a person's  magnesium level is 
subnormal, the nerves are unable to control such functions as  muscle movement, 
respiration, and mental processes. Twitching, irregular  heartbeat, 
irritability, and nervous fatigue are symptoms of what is frequently  found to 
magnesium depletion. 
Most often, deficiency is simply a result of failure to obtain  adequate 
magnesium from such dietary sources as wheat germ, cocoa, desiccated  liver, 
green vegetables, soybeans, and almonds. In some instances,  however, 
absorption of nutrients can be impaired by coexisting illness, such as  an 
infection. In such an event, much of the ingested magnesium may be  lost from 
the body. 
A Host of Disorders 
A case history presented in the Archives of Neurology (June,  1965) by Dr. 
Robert Fishman of New York illustrates just how **inadequate  dietary intake 
coupled with excess gastrointestinal loss** can lead to a host of  nervous 
A 29-year-old man suffering from intestinal trouble for six  years finally 
had large portions of the large and small colon removed. Six  months later, he 
was readmitted to the hospital for a broken vertebra resulting  from a 
**generalized convulsion** he had experienced during sleep. Dr. Fishman  
**During the week prior to admission, he was noted by his family to be  
increasingly irritable and mildly confused, and to have twitching of the 
muscles  of the 
face, hands, and feet.** 
The patient, described as **agitated** and **anxious,** soon  suffered a 
second convulsion. His pulse was 140 beats per minute (70 is  average). After 
injections of magnesium sulfate were administered, his  restlessness and 
neuromuscular difficulty disappeared. As bowel function  improved, his need for 
magnesium gradually diminished. 
Animals, too, can develop neurological damage when their diet  is deficient 
in magnesium. Grass tetany results when cattle cannot obtain  magnesium in 
ample amounts from chlorophyll, the green coloring matter in grass.  Muscle 
spasms, frothing at the mouth, hypersensitivity, increased pulse rate,  and 
convulsions may occur in prolonged depletion. 
Sometimes magnesium deficiency can cause disorders so severe  that massive 
doses of magnesium by injection are required. High doses of  injected 
however, can cause profound depression of the entire nervous  system and, 
ultimately, respiratory paralysis. The possibility of this danger is  increased 
when a pregnant woman develops preeclampsia. 
This condition, which affects about one in 500 pregnant women,  may consist 
of convulsions, nausea, dizziness, and headache. It is believed that  defective 
chemical substances in the blood or products derived from the placenta  are 
unable to be excreted properly and may cause harm to the fetus. It has  become 
almost routine for hospitals to inject the mother with magnesium to  control 
eclamptic convulsions and to facilitate kidney function. 
The uses of magnesium for nerve health still require further  research, but 
even from the results of the few studies already made, we can be  certain that 
unless our bodies are adequately fortified with this mineral, the  nervous 
system can degenerate seriously. 
A good supply of dolomite, meat, eggs, fruits, nuts, and  vegetables can help 
to lessen the chances of developing nervous conditions that  stem from a 
magnesium imbalance. 
During 1966, there were published in The Lancet an article and  successive 
letters dealing with a degenerative nervous disease that was observed  among 
patients in Nigeria, one of the larger African countries. The original  article 
by a Nigerian doctor, Professor Monekosso, described the disease  carefully 
and, in effect, appealed for help in treating it. The disease was  
by **mental apathy and depression; ataxia [loss of coordination];  decreased 
motor power, bulk, and tone; foot drop and wrist drop; calk  tenderness, and 
limbs cold to the touch.** The senses of touch and hearing were  also impaired. 
The symptoms were clearly suggestive of a form of beriberi,  the thiamine 
(vitamin B1)deficiency disease, and sure enough, on investigation  it turned 
that the thiamine intake of these patients was inadequate.  However, 
administration of either thiamine alone or vitamin B complex did not  cure 
One of the later letters commenting on this article was  written by Dr. Joan 
Caddell of the George Washington School of Medicine in  Washington, D.C. It 
was published in the October 1, 1966, issue of The Lancet.  It was the opinion 
of Dr. Caddell that magnesium deficiency was probably  involved because of the 
essential role of magnesium in the biosynthesis and  activation of thiamine 
pyrophosphate. . . . What she was really saying was that  sometimes a thiamine 
deficiency is caused by a deficiency of magnesium and  therefore it will not be 
cured by the administration of thiamine alone. Quoting  her own experience in 
Nigeria, she stated: 
**Malnourished young Nigerian children from the same cultural  group as the 
above [Monekosso] patients developed a similar syndrome, often with  more acute 
features. The children had had severe, prolonged gastroenteritis and  had 
received a diet of cornstarch and cassava. Vitamin-B enriched protein-milk  
therapy aggravated the syndrome, sometimes with the development of staring,  
nysthemus, ataxia, tremors, or convulsions. Magnesium deficiency was  
established by analysis of skeletal muscle and plasma. The  symptoms were 
reversed after addition of magnesium to the therapy.** 
The exchange provides an excellent illustration of how much  medicine has yet 
to learn about the many roles of magnesium in human metabolism  and its 
indispensability to general health. The fact is that, as new studies are  
and new discoveries made, it is becoming clearer and clearer that  magnesium 
is one of the basic nutrients needed for a healthy nervous system and  
therefore almost any affliction in any part of the body might turn out to be  
actually an illness of the nerves that are involved because they are deficient  
Epilepsy is one good example of this. As far back as recorded  history goes, 
the **falling disease** has been one of the great mysteries of  medicine. 
While dozens and hundreds of other illnesses responded to  investigation, 
remained unexplained and untreatable by any known  method. It, is only within 
the past year that there has been published work  revealing that epilepsy is 
accompanied by a lower than normal level of magnesium  in the spinal fluid, 
and that administration of magnesium can be expected to  bring about quick 
improvement. It is a field that still requires much  investigation, but present 
indications are that deficient magnesium in the  spine, and the subsequent 
on major nerves of the spine running to and  from the brain, may be the 
actual cause of epilepsy. Later in this book we will  see that this work 
from the Hereford Clinic and Deaf Smith Research  Foundation in Hereford, 
Texas, under the direction of Lewis B. Barnett, M.D.,  further establishes 
wide-range effects that magnesium nutrition has on the  nervous system. 
Deficiency Caused Convulsions 
Most recently, there was published in The Lancet (April 1,  1967), a case 
history of a newborn infant who developed convulsions because a  metabolic 
abnormality did not permit the child to utilize its magnesium intake  properly. 
three occasions withdrawing or decreasing magnesium supplements  led to a 
fall in both plasma-magnesium and plasma-calcium levels and to  recurrence of 
convulsions.** This is more evidence that if the nervous  system is deprived 
of adequate magnesium the entire person will suffer for it. 
If additional evidence were needed that healthy nerves require  magnesium, it 
would certainly be supplied by the recent investigational studies  entering 
into the development of **memory pills** at the Abbott Laboratories in  
Chicago. Memory, of course, is one of the primary and most important functions  
the human nervous system. And the stimulant to memory and other mental  
that is being developed at Abbott has magnesium as its basis. 
In other recent studies we have learned that the motor  nerves--those that 
carry messages by electrical impulse from the brain to the  muscles--are 
dependent on magnesium for the ability to conduct these minute  electrical 
properly. Now we are learning that magnesium is equally  important to the 
central nervous system (spinal cord), and to the brain itself.  Add to this the 
essentiality of the same mineral for hard healthy bones and  teeth and for the 
functioning of many of our enzyme systems, and we believe it  becomes perfectly 
clear that a person would have to be a fool to take any chance  on not getting 
enough magnesium for even a single day.
Also on this website
_ ( 
Links to over 300 articles discussing magnesium and magnesium  deficiency.
To go directly to a specific category, click on an item in the list  below. 
Some of the conditions magnesium may be useful in treating or preventing  
    *   _Aging_ (   
    *   _Aggressive  Behavior_ 
    *   _Alcoholism_ (   
    *   _Amytrophic Lateral  Sclerosis_ 
    *   _Alzheimer's  Disease_ ( 
    *   _Arrhythmia_ (   
    *   _Asthma_ (   
    *   _Attention Deficit  Disorder_ 
    *   _Autism_ (   
    *   _Cancer_ (   
    *   _Cerebral Palsy_ (   
    *   _Cerebrovascular_ (   
    *   _Chemical Sensitivity_ (    
    *   _Chronic Fatigue_ (   
    *   _Cluster Headaches_ (    
    *   _Cocaine-related  Stroke_ 
    *   _Constipation_ (   
    *   _Cramps_ (   
    *   _Diabetes_ (   
    *   _Fluoride  Toxicity_ (   
    *   _Head Injuries, Central  Nervous System Injuries_ 
    *   _Heart Disease. Heart  Attack, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular 
Disease, etc._ (   
    *   _HIV, AIDS_ (   
    *   _Hypertension_ (   
    *   _Kidney Stones_ (   
    *   _Magnesium  Deficiency_ (   
    *   _Menopause_ (   
    *   _Migraine  Headache_ (   
    *   _Mitral Valve  Prolapse_ (  
    *   _Multiple Sclerosis_ (   
    *   _Nystagmus_ (   
    *   _Osteoporosis_ (   
    *   _Peripheral vascular  disease_ 
    *   _Pregnancy-related  problems, Eclampsia_ 
    *   _Premenstrual Syndrome,  PMS_ 
    *   _Psychiatric  Disorders_ (   
    *   _Repetitive Strain  Injury_ (  
    *   _Rheumatoid Arthritis_ (   
    *   _Sickle Cell  Disease_ (   
    *   _SIDS_ (   
    *   _Sports-related  problems_ 
    *   _Stress_ (   
    *   _Stuttering_ (   
    *   _Tetanus_ (   
    *   _Tinnitis, Sound  Sensitivity_ 
    *   _TMJ_ (   
    *   _Toxic Shock_ (   
    *   _Violence_ (  
Articles are listed under one heading only. 
Many of them cover more than  one subject. 
Use the search to find additional articles on your  subject.
Medical Journal Articles
_Dr. Mildred Seelig_ ( 
_Dr. Jean Durlach_ ( 
_Dr. Michael  Shechter_ ( 
_Dr. William J. Rowe_ ( 
(Dr. Rowe has linked the cardiovascular complications of space flight with  
magnesium deficits) 

John Libbey Eurotext 
_Magnesium  Research
Archives, 2003-Present_ 

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