HR20-New Mother’s Mandated Mental Health Test - JUST  PASSED HOUSE! 
April 20, 2009 By: Freedom Fighter Category: Uncategorized 
Source: Gov Track 
A sweeping government policy for all new births in the United  States has 
just passed the House of Representatives and is now headed to the  Senate. 
The Mother’s Act, if passed, will mandate that all new mothers be  screened by 
means of a list of subjective questions that will determine if each  mother 
is mentally fit to take their newborn home from the hospital. Just  imagine 
that after your child is born, you are told that you can’t take them  home 
since a multiple choice questionnaire wasn’t answered correctly. Just  
imagine being told that the only way you can take your child home is if you or  
your spouse goes into treatment or on anti-depressants which we know causes  
psychosis, delusions, and even homicidal thoughts. It just doesn’t make 
sense.  Unfortunately, this bill is on a fast track–No public debate, no public 
disclosure of the broad impact on our society and that is why we need you 
to act  now! 
The Mother’s Act violates our Constitutional right to privacy  and your 
right to liberty and it is just outright dangerous. That is why we need  you to 
help stop this. We urgently need you to call and email each Senator on  the 
HELP Committee and tell them you STRONGLY OPPOSE the MOTHER’S ACT and that  
you are OUTRAGED that there was NO public debate or disclosure on the 
impact  this would have on our society as a whole. 
Please call the following Senators on the HELP  Committee and tell them 
that you want the Mother’s Act to die in  committee. 
Lisa Murkowski, R: 202-224-6665, AK 
John McCain, R: 202-224-2235, AZ 
Christopher Dodd, D: 202-224-2823, CT J
ohnny Isakson, R: 202-224-3643, GA 
Tom Harkin, D: 202-224-3254, IA 
Pat Roberts, R: 202-224-4774, KS 
Edward Kennedy D: 202-224-4543, MA 
Barbara Mikulski D: 202-224-4654, MD 
Richard Burr, R: 202-224-3154, NC 
Kay Hagan, D: 202-224-6342, NC 
Judd Gregg, R: 202-224-3324, NH 
Jeff Bingaman, D: 202-224-5521, NM 
Sherrod Brown, D 202-224-2315, OH 
Tom Coburn, R 202-224-5754, OK 
Jeff Merkley, D 202-224-3753, OR 
Bob Casey, D 202-224-6324, PA 
Jack Reed, D 202-224-4642, RI 
Lamar Alexander R 202-224-4944, TN 
Orrin Hatch R 202-224-5251, UT 
Bernard Sanders, I: 202-224-5141, VT 
Patty Murray, D, 202-224-2621, WA 
Michael Enzi, R, 202-224-3424, WY
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