This is not a new concept and maybe it is time 
for it again. Since I have the years, I do
remember the 1950´s and the three wheel 
Messerschmidth that a friend of mine had and
which I tried a few times. The VW concept is a modern version of it,

It was also an other one in this class, forgot 
the name. like a bubble with the whole front as
door. I drove that one too.

Both of those cars were out competed by the VW 
Beetle, so it is quite a full circle, when
VW now is working on a new concept car like this.


At 07:50 AM 5/13/2009, you wrote:
>There are a couple of things that bother me about this.
>1. If it's aimed at China it is intended to 
>replace not a full-size American pick-up truck 
>but a bicycle. That is to say, it is intended to 
>increase dependence on motor vehicles in a 
>context that has survived on bicycles and feet 
>for a long time: though my suspicion is that 
>that state of affairs was hitherto maintained 
>through force rather than sound spatial 
>planning. But even then, is it not better to 
>introduce sound spatial planning to suit the 
>bicycles, rather than cars to suit the unsound spatial planning?
>2. That level of aerodynamic efficiency etc. 
>rather suggests high-speed movement along roads 
>of very good quality. How suitable is this 
>vehicle for bad roads? How suitable is this 
>vehicle for roads intended primarily for 
>pedestrians, bicycles, hand-carts, animal-drawn 
>carts, etc. because there aren't enough motor 
>vehicles to warrant special high-speed roads? Or 
>must one increase the vehicle fleet in order to 
>justify the roads in order to justify this 
>"paragon of efficiency" vehicle? It's the same 
>problem I have with the Aptera: the whole 
>business of aerodynamics for efficiency is 
>overblown and misplaced. It's making the problem 
>big enough to suit the solution, rather than 
>small enough not to need a solution.
>3. Where does the pig go? Where does the bolt of 
>cloth go? Where does M. Boulanger's basket of 
>eggs go, if it was a very large basket he had in 
>mind? This vehicle seems aimed primarily at 
>moving one or two people with briefcases a 
>fairly long distance, regularly, at a fairly 
>high speed, between a place of residence and 
>another place where one does something more or 
>less senseless in order to get money to pay for 
>the vehicle, among other things. Is it desirable 
>to introduce this pattern where it does not 
>exist? Is it desirable to turn almost-peasants 
>into wage-slave commuters, when the system of 
>economy that supports that pattern is the very 
>cause of the problem this vehicle purports to 
>solve? If the almost-peasants were instead to 
>become proper peasants, true yeomen, the problem would virtually go away.
>Best regards
>Dawie Coetzee
>From: bmolloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009 3:03:20
>Subject: [Biofuel] New el cheapo VW commuter car
>Has anyone heard of the new single seat VW?                      This is
>not a toy, not a concept car. It is a fully developed, single-seat car in a
>highly aerodynamic tear-shaped, road-proven and very practical commuter
>vehicle format. The new Veedub will go on sale in Shanghai in 2010.
>Designed to cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr it has an incredible consumption of
>0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon), thus in terms of fuel bettering the
>electric car. The vehicle took three years from conception to production.
>The company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
>The car will sell for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600. Gas tank capacity 1.7
>gallons;Speed 62-74.6 Miles/hour; Fuel efficiency 258 miles/gallon; travel
>distance with a full tank 404 miles.
>I have pics which show a very impressive, aerodynamically efficient vehicle,
>not at all cheap in appearance. Sadly can't post them here due to the site's
>formatting restrictions but will supply to anyone who emails me directly.
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