VIDEO. Robert  H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics, Division of 
Endocrinology explores  the damage caused by sugary foods. Series: UCSF Mini 
Medical School for the  Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717] 
Starts off telling you  that "this story has a little bit  of something for 
everybody" "little bit of biochemisty, clinical research,  public health, 
politics,racial innuedo......"    plus he "hopes  to debunk the last 30 years 
of nutrition information in America" . Anybody whom  eats fruit & frustose 
needs to listen to this. Did you know that now 6 month  old babies are 
obese? if obesity is  about diet and exericise, can this be  explained?
The Saccharine Disease: Conditions caused by the Taking of Refined  
Carbohydrates, such as Sugar and White Flour 
1974 by Surgeon  Captain T.L. Cleave (1906-83), Director of Medical 
Research at the Royal Naval  Medical School, whittled down the root cause of 
of the ills of industrial  societies to one simple factor, also noted by 
nutrition pioneer Sir Robert   McCarrison: their dependence on refined 
carbohydrates -- the "master-disease".  Full text online. Continues the 
of the Cheshire Medical Testament,  Weston Price, etc. This powerful book is 
best encapsulated by repeating its  subtitle: Conditions Caused by Taking of 
Refined Carbohydrates as Sugar and  White Flour. Thanks to Keith Addison 
(Keith at for both  the suggestion to include it and for 
the lend of this book. Keith has a  remarkable website, also mentioned on 
our links page. Downloads as a PDF of 974  kb. OUT OF PRINT.
Killer Sugar! Suicide With A Spoon
Simple sugars have  been observed to aggravate asthma, muster mental 
illness, move mood swings,  provoke personality changes, nourish nervous 
disorders, hurry heart disease,  deliver diabetes, grow gallstones, hasten 
hypertension, add arthritis, and on  top of all of that...It will kill you! 
High Sugar 
Intake Corrupts Muscle  Performance And Impedes Strength Development 
Would You Give Your Toddler 17 Teaspoons of Sugar a  Day?
This means the more added sugars from sodas and sweets in kids' diets, the  
fewer the number of good nutrients their bodies get in order to remain  

Counting the Many Ways Sugar Harms Your Health 
76 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health 
Sugar: Too Sweet to be True 
Health experts agree that  the overuse of sugar is directly linked to many 
growing health concerns ranging  from obesity and tooth decay to depression.
Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward
Magalie  Lenoir#, Fuschia Serre#, Lauriane Cantin, Serge H. Ahmed* 
University Bordeaux 2,  Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS, UMR 5227, Bordeaux, 
France. Can 
download pdf on  right hand side

Replacing Refined Sugars with Natural Sugars One Step At a  Time
Sugar has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. Not only  does it 
totally lack nutrients, but when you eat sugar it actually robs your  body of 
nutrients-- vitamins, minerals and even enzymes. Sure sugar may be  
temporarily pleasing to the taste buds, but the rest of the body suffers for 
it.  The 
sad thing is that most people are not aware of the devastating effects that 
 excess sugar consumption has on the body. The cartoon illustrates a 
typical day  for many Americans and how the standard American diet affects our 
health,  especially the way we think and feel. Artificial sweeteners in use 
today pose  significant dangers.  There are many healthy alternatives to both 
refined  sugar and artificial sweeteners, including maple syrup, dehydrated 
sugar cane  juice (sold as Sucanat and Rapadura), date sugar, raw unfiltered 
honey and  molasses. Consumed in moderation as part of a nutrient-dense diet 
that includes  plenty of good quality fats, these mineral-rich, naturally 
sweet foods allow us  to enjoy the sweet taste while nourishing the body at 
the same time. In strict  moderation, they can even be used by diabetics in 
conjunction with a  nutrient-dense, high-fat diet.
The Kitchen Transition
Now that you've eliminated the  sweet sugar from your kitchen, your next 
step is .... Table salt also contains  additives, anticaking agents, and even 
sugar. ... 

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