Thank you for this  Dawie.  Very enjoyable. Have you ever checked out Joel 
Saltin's website _ 
(  ?  I found it very interesting. I am thinking 
of  getting a few of his 
books. And is very nice country there too. 

[Biofuel] Crosspost: Everything I Want to  Do Is Illegal
Dawie Coetzee
Tue,  04 Aug 2009 00:44:32 -0700

Posted on the Distributism Yahoo group: 
_ _ 
( ) 

This is an EXCELLENT essay by a family farmer in Virginia who also wrote a 
 by the same title. It documents in spades how the "We're from the 
 and we're here to help you" permeates EVERY aspect of our lives.
 Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal
 JOEL SALATIN / Acres v.33, n.9, Sept 2003 1 Sep 03
 Everything I want to do is illegal. As if a highly bureaucratic regulatory
 system was not already in place, 9/11 fueled renewed acceleration to 
 freedom from the countryside. Every time a letter arrives in the mail from 
 federal or state agriculture department my heart jumps like I just got 
sent to
 the principal's office.
 And it doesn't stop with agriculture bureaucrats. It includes all sorts of
 government agencies, from zoning, to taxing, to food inspectors. These 
 are the ultimate extension of a disconnected, Greco-Roman, Western, 
 compartmentalized, reductionist, fragmented, linear thought process.
 Remainder of article here:

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