Most Common Cause of Fatigue that is  Missed or Misdiagnosed by Doctors 
By Dr.  Mercola
Your adrenal glands are each no bigger than a walnut and weigh  less than a 
grape, yet are responsible for one of the most important functions  in your 
body: managing stress. 
“The adrenals are known as ‘the glands of stress,’” writes  James Wilson 
in his book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. “It  is their 
job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source,  
ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your  
resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on their proper  
When your adrenal glands are fatigued, a condition known as  adrenal 
fatigue or adrenal exhaustion, your entire body feels it and suffers  from 
exhaustion as well. 
It’s estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience  adrenal fatigue 
during their lifetimes, yet it remains one of the most  under-diagnosed 
illnesses in the United States.[2] 
The Optimal Function of Your Adrenal Glands 
Your body has two adrenal glands, located just above each of  your kidneys. 
As part of your endocrine system, your adrenal glands secrete more  than 50 
hormones, many of which are essential for life and include: 
-- Glucocorticoids. 
These hormones, which include cortisol, help your body convert  food into 
energy, normalize blood sugar, respond to stress and maintain your  immune 
system’s inflammatory response. 
-- Mineralocorticoids. These hormones, which  include aldosterone, help 
keep your blood pressure and blood volume normal by  maintaining a proper 
balance of sodium, potassium and water in your body.[3] 
-- Adrenaline. This hormone increases your  heart rate and controls blood 
flow to your muscles and brain, along with helping  with the conversion of 
glycogen to glucose in your liver. 
Together, these hormones and others produced by your adrenal  glands 
control such body functions as:[4] 

-- Maintaining metabolic processes, such as managing blood  sugar levels 
and regulating inflammation 
-- Regulating your body’s balance of salt and water 
-- Controlling your "fight or flight" response to stress 
-- Maintaining pregnancy 
-- Initiating and controlling sexual maturation during  childhood and 
-- Producing sex steroids such as estrogen and testosterone 
Ironically, although your adrenal glands are there, in large  part, to help 
you cope with stress, too much of it is actually what causes their  
function to break down. 
In other words, one of your adrenal glands most important  tasks is to get 
your body ready for the “fight or flight” stress response, which  means 
increasing adrenaline and other hormones. 
As part of this response, your heart rate and blood pressure  increase, 
your digestion slows, and your body becomes ready to face a potential  threat 
or challenge. 
While this response is necessary and good when it's needed,  many of us are 
constantly faced with stressors (work, environmental toxins, not  enough 
sleep, worry, relationship problems and more) and therefore are in this  
"fight or flight" mode for far too long -- much longer than was ever intended  
from a biological standpoint. 
The result is that your adrenal glands, faced with excessive  stress and 
burden, become overworked and fatigued. Some common factors that put  excess 
stress on your adrenals are:[5] 
-- Anger, fear, anxiety, guilt, depression and other negative  emotions 
-- Overwork, including physical or mental strain 
-- Excessive exercise 
-- Sleep deprivation 
-- Light-cycle disruption (such as working the night shift or  often going 
to sleep late) 
-- Surgery, trauma or injury 
-- Chronic inflammation, infection, illness or pain 
-- Temperature extremes 
-- Toxic exposure 
-- Nutritional deficiencies and/or severe allergies 
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal  Fatigue 
When your adrenal glands become depleted, it leads to a  decrease in 
certain hormone levels, particularly cortisol. The deficiencies in  certain 
adrenal hormones will vary with each case, ranging from mild to severe. 
In its most extreme form, this is referred to as Addison’s  disease, a 
condition that causes muscle weakness, weight loss, low blood  pressure and low 
blood sugar, and can be life threatening. 
Fortunately, only about four persons per 100,000 develop  Addison’s 
disease, which is due to autoimmune disease in most cases but can also  develop 
after very severe stress.[6] 
At the other end of the spectrum, as well as in between, lies  adrenal 
fatigue (also known as hypoadrenia). Though the symptoms are less severe  than 
in Addison’s disease, symptoms of adrenal fatigue can be debilitating. As  
Wilson writes: 
“Non-Addison’s hypoadrenia (adrenal fatigue) is not usually  severe enough 
to be featured on TV or to be considered a medical emergency. In  fact, 
modern medicine does not even recognize it as a distinct syndrome.  
Nevertheless, it can wreak havoc with your life. 
In the more serious cases of adrenal fatigue, the activity of  the adrenal 
glands is so diminished that the person may have difficulty getting  out of 
bed for more than a few hours per day. With each increment of reduction  in 
adrenal function, every organ and system in your body is more profoundly  
Classic signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue include: 
-- Fatigue and weakness, especially in the  morning and afternoon 
-- A suppressed immune system 
-- Increased allergies 
-- Muscle and bone loss and muscular weakness 
-- Depression 
-- Cravings for foods high in salt, sugar or fat 
-- Hormonal imbalance 
-- Skin problems 
-- Autoimmune disorders 
-- Increased PMS or menopausal symptoms 
-- Low sex drive 
-- Lightheadedness when getting up from sitting or lying down 
-- Decreased ability to handle stress 
-- Trouble waking up in the morning, despite a full night’s  sleep 
-- Poor memory 
Additionally, people with adrenal fatigue often get a burst of  energy 
around 6 p.m., followed by sleepiness at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m., which is  often 
resisted. A “second wind” at 11 p.m. is then common, which often may keep  you 
from falling asleep until 1 a.m.[8] 
Further, those with adrenal fatigue often also have abnormal  blood sugar 
levels and mental disturbances, such as increased fears and anxiety,  and 
rely on coffee, soda and other forms of caffeine to keep them going. 
As the names implies, the most common symptom of adrenal  fatigue is 
unrelenting fatigue, a feeling of being run down or not able to keep  up with 
daily demands. And because fatigue is such a common symptom, the  syndrome 
is very often missed or misdiagnosed by physicians. 
The Common Medical Test for Adrenal  Function Cannot Diagnose Adrenal 
Adding to the problem of misdiagnosis is the fact that doctors  typically 
use an ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) test to check for problems  with 
your adrenal glands. However, the test only recognizes extreme  
underproduction or overproduction of hormone levels, as shown by the top and  
bottom 2 
percent of a bell curve. 
Symptoms of adrenal malfunction, meanwhile, occur after 15  percent of the 
mean on both sides of the curve. So your adrenal glands could be  
functioning 20 percent below the mean, and your body experiencing symptoms of  
fatigue, and the standard test won’t recognize it.[9] 
The test that will recognize adrenal fatigue, in all of its  stages, is a 
salivary cortisol test. This is an  inexpensive test you can purchase online 
and do at home, as no prescription is  needed. However, if you suspect you 
have adrenal fatigue a knowledgeable natural  health care provider can help 
you with diagnosis and treatment. 
Natural, and Simple, Steps to Recover From  Adrenal Fatigue 
It takes time to burnout your adrenal glands, and as you might  suspect it 
also takes some time to recover. You can expect: 
-- Six to nine months of recovery time for minor adrenal  fatigue 
-- 12 to 18 months for moderate adrenal fatigue 
-- Up to 24 months for severe adrenal fatigue[10] 
The good news is that natural treatments are very effective  for this 
syndrome, and with time, patience, and the tips that follow it is  possible to 
-- Probably the single most important area is to have powerful  tools and 
strategies to address the current and past emotional traumas in your  life. 
Prayer, meditation and meridian tapping techniques can be very helpful  here. 
If you were to focus only on one area it would be best to concentrate in  
this area as this really is the central key to restoring your adrenal health. 
-- Listen to your body and rest when you feel tired (this  includes during 
the day by taking short naps or just laying down) 
-- Sleep in (until 9 a.m. if you feel like it) 
-- Exercise regularly using a comprehensive program of  strength, aerobic, 
core, and interval training 
-- Eat a healthy nutrient-dense diet like the one described in  my 
nutrition plan  _ 
(    , according to your 
Nutritional Type 
-- Avoid stimulants like coffee and soda, as these can further  exhaust 
your adrenal glands 
Further, to maintain proper adrenal function it is imperative  to control 
your blood sugar levels. If you are eating the right foods for your  
Nutritional Type, your blood sugar levels should balance out, and the following 
guidelines will also help: 
-- Eat a small meal or snack every three to four hours 
-- Eat within the first hour upon awakening 
-- Eat a small snack near bedtime 
-- Eat before becoming hungry. If hungry, you have already  allowed 
yourself to run out of fuel (low blood sugar), which places additional  stress 
your adrenal glands 
You may also want to see a physician well versed in  bioidentical hormone 
replacement, and get tested to see if you could benefit  from the use of 
DHEA. DHEA is a natural steroid and precursor hormone produced  by the 
and levels are often very low in people with adrenal fatigue.  Keep in 
mind, of course, that DHEA is not a quick cure, and should not be used  as a 
sole treatment. 
Treating adrenal fatigue requires a whole-body approach, one  that 
addresses the excess stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits that wore out  your 
adrenals in the first place. 
Interestingly the very first step in normalizing sex hormones,  either male 
or female, is to first address the adrenal hormone system. For  example if 
you were to only measure female hormones and then replace them with  
bioidentical hormone therapy, you will virtually be guaranteed to fail because  
weakened adrenals will never allow the hormones to equilibrate properly. 
Because your adrenal health is so important to your overall  health and 
well-being, I highly recommend you work with a knowledgeable natural  health 
care practitioner to find out if you have adrenal fatigue and then remedy  it. 
The tips above are an excellent starting point, however, and  can be used 
by nearly everyone to help give your adrenal glands a healthy  boost. 
[1] Wilson, James. “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress  Syndrome.” 
Smart Publications, p. 3, 2002.
[2] Wilson, James. “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress  Syndrome.” 
Smart Publications, p. 6, 2002.
[3] Addison’s Disease 
(Accessed June 11, 2009)
[4] National Institutes of Health, Eunice Kennedy Shriver  National 
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “Adrenal Gland  Disorders” 
(  (Accessed 
June 11, 
[5] Understanding Adrenal Function August 27, 2000, 
(Accessed June 11, 2009)
[6] Wilson, James. “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress  Syndrome.” 
Smart Publications, p. 7, 2002.
[7] Wilson, James. “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress  Syndrome.” 
Smart Publications, p. 7, 2002.
[8] Veracity, Dani. “Recovering From Adrenal Fatigue: How Your  Body Can 
Overcome Chronic Stress and Feel Energized Again.” Natural News, April  6, 
2006 _ 
(  (Accessed  June 11, 2009)
[9] Veracity, Dani. “Recovering From Adrenal Fatigue: How Your  Body Can 
Overcome Chronic Stress and Feel Energized Again.” Natural News, April  6, 
2006 _ 
(  (Accessed  June 11, 2009)
[10] Veracity, Dani. “Recovering From Adrenal Fatigue: How  Your Body Can 
Overcome Chronic Stress and Feel Energized Again.” Natural News,  April 6, 
2006 _ 
(  (Accessed  June 11, 2009)

Related Links:
_Understanding  Adrenal Function_ 

_Healthy  Adrenals Improve Survival in Breast Cancer Patients_ 
_What  is Thyroid-Related Fatigue?_ 

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