
The Market Is Lying: Why We Must Tax Carbon, Not Subsidize It

Friday 8 July 2011

by: Rinaldo Brutoco and Madeleine Austin, Truthout | News Analysis

Remarkably diverse groups across the US political spectrum are 
calling for a high and rising price on carbon as part of their 
deficit-reduction strategies. Extremely conservative to very liberal 
groups are finding common cause. This is a potentially momentous 
development that could spark the end of the political logjam in the 
US over energy and climate change policy.

Agreeing to Disagree

Scientific truth does not depend on what the majority chooses to 
believe - not today and not in 1633 when Galileo was convicted of 
heresy for saying that the earth revolves around the sun. He spent 
the rest of his life under house arrest, but the earth continued in 
its orbit.

Let's face the facts: The earth is not flat. The sun does not revolve 
around the earth. Climate change is not something that can be altered 
by attacking those who report it. It's not something that should be 
swept under the rug for any reason - the survival of human 
civilization is at stake.

But it's also true that more focus on economic and national security 
issues that transcend political divisions will speed the day when 
countries around the world adopt smart carbon policies that will make 
them more globally competitive, revitalize their flagging economies 
and create jobs for the middle class.

An Unprecedented Opportunity for Clean Energy

The clean tech sector has an unprecedented market opportunity now 
that Germany and Switzerland have decided to phase out nuclear power, 
Italy has blocked its re-launch and Japan has announced plans to redo 
its energy policy "from scratch."

Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power by 2022 means that the 
world's third-largest economy plans to replace 23 percent of its 
power in 11 years. Japan, the world's fourth-largest economy, which 
now gets 30 percent of its electricity from nuclear plants, plans to 
install solar panels on ten million homes, while cutting the cost of 
solar power by two-thirds by 2020. Its richest man, who broke open 
the country's telecommunications market years ago, is moving into 
solar power, tackling utility bottlenecks and eyeing the potential 
profits from more efficient solar cells.

Nuclear power's likely downward slope is just one of three critical 
energy developments this year, as Michael Klare vividly describes.

The second is the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, which 
could spread to Saudi Arabia and other major oil producers in the 
Gulf. Even if the Saudis' big spending on public handouts manages to 
keep the lid on popular protests, the government won't be able to 
ramp up oil production enough to make up for falling production 
elsewhere unless it spends hundreds of billions of dollars to build 
the infrastructure to get out the heavier, "tough oil" left in its 
reserves. Its "easy oil" is running out, although the precise degree 
of exhaustion of Saudi fields is a state secret.

The third key energy development is the "intense drought over the 
past year in Australia, China, Russia, parts of the Middle East, 
South America, the United States and most recently northern Europe." 
In addition to driving up food prices, the drought has led to sharp 
drops in river levels and hydroelectric power plants' output. China's 
loss of hydropower has created severe electricity shortages and 
increased its demand for imported oil - which will drive oil prices 

All three of these developments portend unprecedented growth in the 
global clean energy sector. Countries that want a piece of the action 
need sound energy policies that send price signals to businesses, 
investors and citizens that will shift their spending from fossil 
fuels to clean energy.

The Market Is Not Telling the Truth

The market is not telling the truth about the cost of fossil fuels. 
You can't believe the price at the gas pump. People pay twice for a 
tank of gas - once at the pump and once when they pay their taxes.

In 2009, global subsidies for fossil fuels were 12 times as great as 
subsidies for renewables, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

The $4 billion in annual US taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil, the 
wealthiest industry on the planet, comes in many different forms. 
Many indirect subsidies aren't included in that number, such as the 
billions spent on the military's efforts to maintain the security of 
the Middle East oil pipeline. One form of subsidy in particular is 
too often overlooked - pollution.

All pollution is a subsidy. By tolerating pollution, we've made a 
policy decision to let corporations foist some of their costs onto 
the public. We need to undo this transfer and put the "off-balance 
sheet" health and environmental costs of corporations' carbon 
pollution back where they belong - with the companies that make a 
business decision to profit from dirty energy.

If the environmental and health impacts of coal, oil and natural gas 
were monetized and included in energy prices, more renewable energy 
technologies would become economically attractive. Wind, geothermal 
and solar are already fully competitive on that basis.

Fixing this problem will put people back to work.

Pricing Carbon

Slapping a fee on carbon would be the simplest way to include the 
environmental and health costs of fossil fuels in their retail prices.

We should impose a simple, transparent, gradually rising tax on 
carbon-based energy sources at the points where they enter the 
economy - such as at ports of entry or the mouths of mines - with 
most of the revenue returned to the public to offset higher energy 
prices, as James Hansen and others propose.

Every citizen would periodically receive the same size "dividend" by 
check or electronic transfer, to make up for higher energy prices as 
a result of energy companies passing along their higher costs.

Partly because of public aversion to the word "tax," the past few 
years' debate over carbon policy has focused on creating a 
cap-and-trade system. In the 1990s, such a system did enable the US 
to dramatically lower its industrial sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, 
but the size of the affected market was a fraction of the size new 
carbon trading markets would be.

The World Business Academy's 2007 book, "Freedom From Mid-East Oil," 
stated that a carbon tax would be preferable to a cap and trade 
system, but we thought only the latter was politically palatable. 
Experience has since shown that a cap-and-trade system for carbon is 
neither politically viable nor workable.

The last thing the US needs is a vast new market for trading 
emissions allowances, offset credits and the new financial 
derivatives they will spawn.

The financial crash that brought us the Great Recession proved that 
regulators can't keep up with Wall Street's ability to turn the 
financial sector into a casino by slicing, dicing and repackaging 
tradable instruments into new complex derivatives for even bigger 
bets. The Greek debt crisis vividly shows how little reform there has 
been since the last financial crisis and how urgently we need to 
implement reforms that would regulate derivatives and reduce 

Traders and Polluters Have Gamed the EU and UN Carbon Markets

Global carbon markets surged from about $15 billion in 2005 to a high 
of about $144 billion in 2009, before falling to about $142 billion 
in 2010. About 97 percent of all trades now take place in the EU 
carbon market, appropriately named the "Emissions Trading Scheme" 

Like the 2008 market crash, the UN and EU carbon trading programs 
have shown that we should beware of a system based on financial 
trading. The problems go far beyond computer hackers' theft of two 
million emission allowances worth 32 million euros.

Academy Fellow Hazel Henderson has described how large polluting 
industries in the ETS gamed the Kyoto Protocol and how Wall Street 
and London financial traders got what they wanted: "a single 
commodity: carbon, to construct tradable financial instruments." The 
result? A costly new bureaucracy and precious little carbon removed 
from the atmosphere. Carbon emissions increased by a record amount in 
2010, to 5 percent above levels in 2008, the last record year. (The 
slight dip in 2009 was as a result of the recession.)

The use of emissions "offsets" has been a dismal failure. Investors 
can earn tradable credits known as "Certified Emission Reductions" or 
offsets by participating in so-called greenhouse gas mitigation 
projects in developing countries. The projects have been rife with 

As of 2013, the EU will ban offsets tied to certain industrial 
greenhouse gases; HFC-23 can trap up to 11,700 more heat per molecule 
than carbon dioxide. Factories have upped production of the dangerous 
gases to get credits for reducing them. The EU has admitted that 
these offsets have generated "exorbitant" returns for investors and 
undermined the market's integrity.

Such projects account for 78 percent of the total Certified Emissions 
Reductions used to comply with 2010 emissions limits, according to an 
analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. It added, "Of all credits 
issued so far, 66 percent are of this type." Those numbers pretty 
much say it all.

States Consider a Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade

Recent events in New Jersey and California also put a spotlight on 
carbon taxes and cap and trade. In May, Gov. Chris Christie pulled 
New Jersey out of a regional carbon trading system created by a group 
of Northeastern states that tired of waiting for the federal 
government to put a price on carbon. Christie couldn't give a clear 
explanation of his actions.

A recent California court decision sided with environmental lawyers 
who challenged proposed rules to implement the state's climate change 
law on the grounds that regulators hadn't taken a hard look at a 
carbon tax as an alternative to cap and trade, as the law required.

The lawyers argued that the cap-and-trade system wouldn't cut carbon 
emissions because it would let corporations buy cheap "offsets" and 
continue to pollute. The regulators have just issued a new, more 
thorough report that looks at other jurisdictions that have a carbon 
tax, including British Columbia, where there is reportedly wide 
support for a carbon tax that was accompanied by cuts in other taxes.

Moving Forward

It goes without saying that sounder energy policies would help the 
planet. But with millions of Americans still suffering from 
unemployment, it's time to focus on the economic benefits of ending 
fossil fuel subsidies and putting a price on carbon that makes the 
market tell the truth about the exorbitant cost of fossil fuels.

As a direct result of its carbon policy, the US is falling behind in 
the global competition to capture a piece of the booming clean energy 
market. It now ranks 17th in the world in the percentage of its GDP 
that comes from its clean energy sector.

The global clean energy economy represents a $2.3 trillion 
opportunity over the next ten years if G-20 countries significantly 
strengthen their clean energy policies, such as by putting a price on 
carbon, according to a report by the Pew Center.

The US has fallen behind on clean tech and is one of three countries 
(along with India and the UK) with "the most to gain from adoption of 
aggressive clean energy policies," the report concludes. "Time and 
again, it has been shown that nations with the strongest policy 
frameworks have attracted the most capital and enjoyed the associated 
economic benefits, including job creation."

It will require human ingenuity to find solutions to our energy 
challenges. As Goethe said, "First and last, what is demanded of 
genius is love of truth." The opportunity for humanity to rediscover 
its genius lies in its ability to begin telling the truth: we must 
switch from fossil fuels to a new planetary fuel system. There is no 
other choice.


Rinaldo Brutoco is a well-known futurist and the founding president 
of the World Business Academy, a nonprofit think tank launched in 
1987 with the mission to educate and inspire the business community 
to take responsibility for the whole of planetary society. He is a 
frequent public speaker and a prolific author on renewable energy, 
climate change and sustainable business strategies. He is the 
co-author of "Freedom from Mid-East Oil" (2007), a leading book on 
energy and climate change and "Profiles in Power" (1997), a college 
textbook on nuclear power and the dawn of the solar age.


Madeleine Austin is vice president of the World Business Academy. She 
is the co-author with Rinaldo Brutoco of various articles, including 
"The Nuclear Nemesis Redux" (Forum CSR International, Dec. 2008) and 
"Japan's Nuclear Kamikazes," March 2011.

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