James Quaid <jfquaid(at)earthlink.net> wrote


You may want to check out
<http://solari.com> .  This was Catherine
Austin Fitt's brain child.  Where she discusses the concept of a Solari.
Briefly, its a < 100k coop that agrees to do business exclusively
internally (where goods and services permit).  It's what's called placed
based economics.  Where the goal of the coop is to keep as much $ in the
community as possible.  This includes going after Gummint contracts,
etc. You can sell to anyone.  However, your purchases have to be as
close to home as possible.

After Catherine was chased out of DC by FedGov.Inc (note domain suffix)
for busting big Bush and Clinton supporters for Soprano's style HUD
fraud.  She returned to her family home in Happy Valley, TN.  Her
neighbors asked if she could help them.  They had a lot of unemployment
and city services were expensive.  They first thing she recommended is
to start there one sanitation co.  This  employed people internally and
reduced the cost of garbage pickup to everyone in the community.

The pipe dream of Globalization (thanks to Bubba and Newt) is like a
direct economic short.  Where the money is siphoned out of your place at
the expense of child and prison labor.

This model has a totally open accounting system.  Where all members are
encouraged to keep track of all transactions posted on a private solari
server.  The model is quite open to fit the needs of the members. It
includes issuing A and B stock shares.  Where A shares can only be sold
to the solari members.  B shares can be sold to anyone.

This much akin to the Mondragon Society in Spain.

If just 10% of us shifted our purchases away from the Tape Worm economic
model (WalMart, MSM, McDonalds, etc), it would effect FedGov.Inc's
profits by 30%.  Because, they count their profits thrice like Enron.
Couple that by the sustainable community business / coop model and we
have an extremely effective  Gandhi style boycott.

(First Solari Member)

On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 20:55 +0200, Keith Addison wrote:



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