Nobody in particular - I was simply reacting to the complaining -
everybody gets six weeks paid vacation, evil nasty CEO can pay for it all
- crappy capitalist system - give me mine and tax the evil CEO - the
people making the most noise are the first ones out the door at 4:59 PM.

I simply let the socialist rant crack my Ayn Rand complex - sorry.

Mike Carpenter
Energy Recovery Group, LLC
Skype - USBiodiesel1

On 3/6/13 9:03 AM, "Darryl McMahon" <> wrote:

>Hi Mike,
>just to be clear, are you taking issue with John Nichols
>( for his
>piece at
>or something else?
>I thought the tone of the article was appropriate to the context and
>sets the agenda for the piece quite clearly.
>Is there any information in the piece that you believe is incorrect?  (I
>have not verified anything in it, so I'm open to hearing what you have
>to say.)
>Do you take issue with Thomas Minder's desire to give control of
>corporations back to shareholders instead of the executive suite?
>As a CEO, I don't think anyone is going to confuse me with the banksters
>or other executives in large corporations that are gaming the
>economic/legal system for their own benefit at the expense of others.
>CEOs are role models for the system and the employees, suppliers and
>customers of their companies.  If they are viewed as opposing
>accountability and in favour of gaming the system, that undermines their
>legitimacy in the eyes of anyone that is fair-minded.  Modern management
>is about measurement.  If a CEO can't justify their compensation via
>rational and agreed measures, then they should relinquish their posts or
>be removed.  If they can justify their compensation, then they should
>not fear shareholders - who are motivated by their own self-interest.
>E.g., I will happily offer a CEO in an established, profitable company
>large enough to be traded on a credible exchange, a deal of a reasonable
>base salary (say $100,000 a year) and a performance award in the order
>of 0.1% of net profit in the year following the financial reports, and
>0.9% available 5 years after it is earned with interim scoring
>safeguards, so the office holder is not encouraged to pillage in the
>short term at the long term expense of the shareholders, and so that
>they are encourage to make a long term personal commitment to the
>enterprise.  That's because that should motivate them to make good
>decisions for my economic benefit as a shareholder.  (Of course it is
>more complicated than this, but it's an example, and I'm writing an
>e-mail, not a treatise.)
>Darryl McMahon
>On 06/03/2013 11:23 AM, Mike Carpenter wrote:
>> I am a CEO and frankly, don't like your tone.
>> Mike Carpenter
>> Energy Recovery Group, LLC
>> 800-979-6453
>> 503-508-8452
>> Skype - USBiodiesel1
>> On 3/6/13 6:51 AM, "Sadhbh MacMahon" <> wrote:
>Darryl McMahon
>President and CEO, Econogics, Inc.  (it's just another hat)
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