Thank you for that Mr. McMahon, I did not knowŠ

Mike Carpenter
Energy Recovery Group, LLC
Skype - USBiodiesel1

On 4/25/13 5:11 PM, "Darryl McMahon" <> wrote:

>The Right Wing Cult Machine Exposed
>Thursday, 25 April 2013 14:41
>By The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program | Op-Ed
>Far right Conservatism has become a cult, and Rush Limbaugh is its leader.
>By definition, a cult is a group or sect bound together by adoration of
>the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
>A cult promises you redemption. It tells you that if you do what it
>says, and as it believes, you will be protected from the evil people
>that are out to get you and the rest of society.
>A cult purges the non-believers. And it actively tries to vilify all
>those who are not part of the cult, saying that they're doomed and
>destined to go to hell.
>So how did Limbaugh become the leader of such a large, and influential,
>Like with any cult, the power that Limbaugh has over his flock as grown
>over time.
>Right wing radio started out in conflict with mainstream society, and
>outside of mainstream politics.
>What was once a little cult guided by Limbaugh has transformed into a
>massive cult that today has enveloped much of the Conservative movement.
>So how did this transformation occur?
>Well, like cult leaders do, Limbaugh offered up a theatrical flair, and
>accompanied that with a marketing genius.
>He offered his followers redemption. He offered them protection from
>what he told them they should fear ­ liberals and feminists. He demanded
>ideological purity, and absolute devotion to the ideology of far-right
>"conservative" corporatism. And he vilified all those who didn't see
>things his way.
>Limbaugh then managed to convince his followers that faith in his word
>was more important than facts. No matter what everyone else said, if
>Rush said it, it must be true. Only information that supports Limbaugh's
>positions can be believed, and everything else is just lies.
>Since his first successes, he's been followed by a succession of other
>right-wing cult leaders, from Glenn Beck to Mark Levin to Alex Jones.
>Which brings us to today.
>Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right-wing talk radio cult have
>conjured up such a large following that they're helping the Koch
>Brothers drive the polarization within the Republican Party, and within
>America's political discourse.
>Ironically, so says Frank Luntz, a top Republican consultant and
>campaign guru.
>Earlier this week, Luntz told a group of college students at the
>University of Pennsylvania that Limbaugh and his fellow right-wing
>talk-radio cult leaders are "problematic" for the Republican Party
>because they're responsible for the stark polarization within the party.
>In a secret recording of his comments, Luntz can be heard saying that,
>"And they get great ratings, and they drive the message, and it's really
>problematic. And this is not on the Democratic side. It's only on the
>Republican side...[inaudible]. [Democrats have] got every other source
>of news on their side. And so that is a lot of what's driving it. If you
>take‹Marco Rubio's getting his ass kicked. Who's my Rubio fan here? We
>talked about it. He's getting destroyed! By Mark Levin, by Rush
>Limbaugh, and a few others. He's trying to find a legitimate, long-term
>effective solution to immigration that isn't the traditional Republican
>approach, and talk radio is killing him. That's what's causing this
>thing underneath. And too many politicians in Washington are playing coy."
>Basically, Luntz was saying that the right-wing media and its cult
>following are not serving the national political debate and not helping
>the Republican Party widen its appeal beyond its declining base of aging
>boomer cultists.
>But no matter what Luntz says, Limbaugh and the rest of his right-wing
>media pals will continue to rally their followers, and continue to
>vilify those who dare think otherwise.
>They will continue to paint President Obama as America's anti-hero,
>using terms like "socialist" and "Muslim" to further scare their cult
>followers into seeing things their way.
>The good news is that there are still some semblances of a normal, and
>non-cult media in America.
>Unlike the right-wing media, real media ­ and even progressive media ­
>is not cult-like. It talks about ideas that are widely accepted (social
>safety net, clean environment, nondiscrimination, a solid middle class),
>and that are not in conflict with the rest of society.
>It's not based on fear or faith. It's based on facts. And it respects
>other beliefs and ideas, instead of vilifying them.
>And perhaps, most importantly, real media doesn't fear or hate our
>government, and certainly doesn't suggest we should be armed and ready
>to attack our own government.
>Sadly, that cult is coming dangerously close to having complete control
>over the Republican Party and much of the political discourse in our
>Thankfully, people are waking up and recognizing the far right-wing
>media for what it is: a cult.
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