I'd like to recommend to the list a book I recently finished reading:
"Democracy at Work" by Richard Wolff.  Challenges from farm labor rights to
externalized environmental costs could be addressed eloquently by Wolff's
"Workers' Self-Directed Enterprises;" and at the heart of his proposal is a
way of thinking called “surplus analysis” a concept any framework for
sustainable agriculture cannot do without.

Whether state or private, capitalism tends to externalize long term costs
for short term efficiencies and concentrate wealth into the hands of a
few.  This is exactly what WSDEs are designed to prevent.  The inequitable
distribution of power lies at the heart of many challenges in
sustainability, we are often prevented from addressing other problems until
this issue is resolved.  Though Wolff generalizes his WSDEs to apply to any
enterprise, I think their greatest potential lies in changing the face of
agricultural industries.
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