An Israeli-Saudi-US conspiracy?
Saudi Arabia's 'Chemical Bandar' behind the Syrian chemical attacks?
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
The moralistic language coming out of Washington is despicable posturing.

Russia "Will Help Syria" In The Event of a Military Strike, Putin
Putin: Syria chemical attack is 'rebels' provocation in hope of intervention'

Hezbollah, Iran and Syria Prepare for Counterattack
By Mirella Hodeib
The three players have agreed on a specific course of action if American missiles smash into Syrian territory.

Yes, the Syrian Rebels DO Have Access to Chemical Weapons
By WashingtonsBlog
Multiple lines of evidence show that the rebels do have chemical weapons.

US Gambles on Syria with Empty Hand
By Finian Cunningham
The Americans have a choice: either present your supposedly incriminating evidence against the Syrian government, or proceed with your plans and face international wrath for committing the supreme crime of aggression.

Peace in Syria is Possible... Within The Week
By Thierry Meyssan
For a period of a little more than one week, there exists a window of possibility to stop the war.

The U.S. is "Fighting for Al Qaeda" in Syria.
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Barack Obama and John Kerry are not fighting terrorism. Quite the opposite: They are actively supporting Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria.

The US Government Stands Revealed to the World as a Collection of War Criminals and Liars
By Paul Craig Roberts
How can the American people and their representatives in Congress tolerate these extraordinary criminals?

Woman Informing Kerry, McCain's Opinions on Syria Also an Advocate for Syrian Rebels
By Charles C. Johnson
The woman whose opinion lawmakers are relying on to go to war in Syria is also a paid advocate for the war-torn country's rebels.

Senators Authorizing Syria Strike Got More Defense Cash Than Lawmakers Voting No
By David Kravets
Senators voting Wednesday to authorize a Syria strike received, on average, 83 percent more campaign financing from defense contractors than lawmakers voting against war.

Groundswell on Syria: The People Versus AIPAC
By Philip Weiss
We're at a defining moment in the history of the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. Israel wants a war and the American people don't.

What Happened to the Anti-War Movement?
By David Sirota
This is red-versus-blue tribalism in its most murderous form. It suggests that the party affiliation of a particular president should determine whether or not we want that president to kill other human beings.

March on Washington to say "Vote NO to War On Syria!"
Saturday, September 7 @ 12 noon and Monday, September 9
Gather at the White House + March to the Capitol Building.

Act Now! - Say No To War On Syria
Here's the Best Way to Tell Congress Your Opinion on Syria.

Peter Certo: On the Fence About Syria? Read This!

Options for Peace Ignored, As Obama Plans for Expanded Syria War

At G20, Push For War Isolates Obama From World Leaders

Dennis Kucinich: Top 10 Unproven Claims for War Against Syria

Sarah van Gelder: Syria: Six Alternatives to Military Strikes

George Lakoff: Obama Reframes Syria: Metaphor and War Revisited

Iraq Veterans Against the War: Post 9-11 Veterans Oppose U.S. Military Strikes in Syria

Pentagon Involvement in Syria Likely to Ramp Up as US Role in War Deepens
Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: Forget about those assurances that the White House is just going to punch Assad's nose and that will be it. Plans are already fully underway for long term Pentagon involvement in the Syrian civil war.

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