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      From: Darryl McMahon <dar...@econogics.com>
 To: Sustainablelorgbiofuel@lists.sustainablelists.org 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 11:32 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] GMO Enquiry 2015 - Unanswered Questions from, 20 Years of 
GMOs in Canada

9 page PDF document at link above.

Some excerpts below.

The Canadian government does not consult Canadians before
introducing new GM foods.  For example, the government may soon
approve a “non-browning” GM apple.  The company that owns the apple says 
it will benefit consumers because it has “more eye appeal: no yucky 
browning” but 69% of Canadians do not even want it approved.
Why don’t Canadians have a say?

Many farmers in Canada are concerned about the possible introduction of 
GM alfalfa because, among other impacts, GM contamination would threaten 
organic certification and conventional export markets.
Is every GM crop the same or are some GM crops more risky for farmers 
than others?

CBAN carefully examined these questions in 2014 with our report “Will GM 
Crops Feed the World?” and found that we already produce enough food to 
feed the world, and that GM crops do not help solve the real causes of 
hunger. This question brings attention to a number of different
issues raised by GMOs – including many that we will investigate earlier 
in the GMO Inquiry – and gives us the opportunity to look at the bigger 

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