I occasionally buy a Mac game, even though I don't have a mac to play 
them on.  If the boxes and materials are 100% I really don't mind the 

AS for a Mac version of DOTC, that's just weird.  Never heard of a Mac 
version, but wouldn't surprise me.  If you win it, could you send me a 
scan of the cover.  Seems from the auction page that the Mac version 
didn't have the bottom of the box cut-off like the Amiga and C64 
versions and I never could get a good image of the whole credits.

Jim Leonard wrote:

> Tomer Gabel wrote:
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=512061129
> I was completely unaware of a Macintosh version of this game.  Needless to say,
> I've put my bid down.
> As a matter of curiousity, does anyone on this list collect Mac software
> collectables?  PC software collectables are coming into their own, and
> apple/c64/trs80/vic20/etc. have been collectable ever since the platforms
> died... but I have no idea if people consider Mac stuff at all.
> I only have a single Mac Classic to play them on, so it's not like I'm going to
> go gung-ho collecting Mac stuff, but I just wanted to see if there was any mac
> stuff in your collections.

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