CE Forman wrote:
> >> Not even on extreme situations? Here's a Myth, a Lucifer's Realm and a
> >> handsigned Akalabeth for your LGoP2. Will you trade it now? ;)
> >
> >No, because then I'd feel guilty about totallly ripping you off.  B-)
> I didn't tell say I was offering originals, now did I? Nor who's the
> signature on Akalabeth from? >:)

>True, but being a fellow collector I'd tend to trust they're originals
>a valid collectible signature).

Hey, just because I once sold you that pink frisbee for $500 as alledgedly
being a Starcross saucer, that doesn't mean you can't trust me! ;) ;) ;)

>  I could, after all, simply scrawl a
>magic-marker "2" on an original LGoP package, couldn't I?  B-)

You could, but since I know yours is sealed, you'd still have a LGoP1 and
a... errr... large shrinkwrap with a big "2" on it! ;)

Speaking of Infocom boxes: does anybody know if Mines of Titan was ever
released in a Gray Box?

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"


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